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It had been three days since Silvana had remembered her daily and most of all Arrconn. Each day her mind would slip away into the distant passed.

Whenever she saw Arrconn she would hope to see him glims at her and show that he knew who she was. But when he did glims at her he would look troubled like she had felt as if he should know her but didn't.

This began to drive her to madness. Very part of her wanted to just run over and embrace him with a sisterly hug but she refused.

Soon she just excepted that he would not know her and she finally let the subject drop. Focussing at what she had learned. There was a profficy about her but what she could do to full fill it made no sense.

4 more days had passed and she noticed Arrconn gazing off into the distance he was by himself so she began her approach. Sitting beside him she could see him fence up as he noticed her sitting by him. Slowly he turned to look at her then looked back off into the distance.

" what's on your mind" was the only thing that Silvana could muster. She felt awkward sitting by him but she knew that this could be her only chance to be with him again.

When he didn't answer she look straight just looking at the things around her. After a while he finally spoke."I'm just trying to remember something"

Looking back at him she could see the confusion in his eyes. And then a trade came to her from long ago when Arrconn would cut his answer short.

"Stop cutting the sandwich and tell me"

Right then his eyes filled with pain that was soon clouded over by sadness. A single tear began to run down the side of his face as he turned to look at Silvana. His eyes soon filled with shock as he stared at her in disbelief. "Could it be?" He said as he lifted his hand up to try and touch something that might vanish before his eyes and be lost forever.

"Silvana" he whispered more to himself than to her. Slowly she nodded and she watched another tear creep down his face.

With a swift move he clasped her in his arms with a term hug. All Silvana could do was embrace her brother. They had both been separated for such a long time and now they were united again. After a while when Arrconn finally stopped crying they lifted themselves off the ground and could only gaze at each other.

"Where have you been. I came back then you that night and you were gone. I thought they took you" Arrconn ask with wonder in his eyes."I lost my memories, they did not take me but they did try to teach me before they tried to kill me and my friends"

"Friends?" This seemed to surprise Arrconn. He knew that she was apart of the profficy and that just being outside was dangerous. But to become friends with someone now that could have killed her.

"Let me introduce you to them. They'll be a little shocked but they'll get over it."

Grabbing his hand firmly and dragging him over to her friends she introduced them and the explained. She had just gotten her brother back, her only family. And she wanted him and her friends to get along. Her heart seemed to pump with joy as she realized that she was finally home.


It had been a ful month since she found Arrconn. She had spent most of her time trying to catch up with him after all these years. Since he was apart of the guard she would have to let him go to do his job, but that only made her more anxious to stay near him.

It was going fine until she herd about the empire. They had finely attacked after all this time. Only now they were beginning to enter there borders. Now her brother was off every day fighting coming back only to rest and regain his energy then he would run back into the battle feald.

Every night she feared what might happen to him and every day she would be relieved to see him return to camp unharmed.

Thinking of the battle she left her friends as the sun began to set and enters her tent wondering once more if her brother would return tomorrow when a blood curdling scream peices the village. Jumping up she dashed over to the crime seen to find her friends with blood seeping threw a few cuts. Realizing that Raven had been kidnapped. Anger rose up in every part of her body and she used her magic to try and find the enemy but came up empty handed.

They had her friend and they were ready to fight. Looking up at the setting sun she knew if it was war they wanted the it's war there going to get.

Kadarima ( Child Of The Fortold Profficey)Where stories live. Discover now