Chapter 6: A Day Out With Brendon Urie (Part 1)

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You walk out of the venue with all the guys trailing behind you, horse playing. "Can you not?"

"What, sorry, I cant hear you. I'm deaf." Mikey yells.

"I will hit you. You know." You turn around and stopped.

"I dare you." You walked up to him and punched him in the arm.

"You may be Daddy Longlegs, but I'm a fucking Black widow." You turned back around and walked to your car. You opened the drivers side, got in, and started the engine. "Hurry up, assholes." They finally get in the car. Mikey in the front, Pete and Patrick in the back.

You get to your apartment and turn off the engine. "You guys go ahead. I have to talk to (Y/N)." Mikey said.

"Um, okay." Pat said and opened the door, let Pete out and shut the door.

"What's up?" You asked curiously.

He looked at his hands on his lap and then looked at your eyes. He suddenly moves quickly in your direction, his lips connected to yours, hands on your neck. You push him back, surprised.

"M-Mikey, I'm s-sorry. I just don't feel the same about you, okay? You're like a brother to me. I can't."

"I'm sorry..." He turned, opened and then slammed the door behind him, speed walking to his apartment.

You walked into your apartment, still shocked. Tears stinging your eyes. You walked into your room, shut out the lights and crawled into bed. Thinking. You felt terrible. You didn't realize how exhausted you were, because after a couple of minutes, you were out like a match.


You woke up to your alarm blaring in your ear. "JESUS fucking..." You jumped and turned it off. You saw five messages, One from Brendon, One from your mom, and three from Mikey. You read Mikey's first. 'I'm so so sorry about last night' 'I feel really bad, I should've just listened the first time to you.' 'Yeah, ill treat you like a sister (Or Brother if you're a boy).'

You sighed and read the next two. Your mom 'in town, sweetie'  Brendon 'Morning sweet thing ;)'

"Lord, save me." You get up from under your sheets and walk to your restroom. You brush your teeth and do what ever else people do in the restroom.

It then occurred to you that your parents and you, and you and Brendon have a date on the same day. Great. Just have to cut it short with your parents then. You tie your (h/c) hair back and walk to your kitchen. You hook up your phone to your speakers and put on some music, not too loud to disturb the neighbors, but to fill the whole apartment with noise. You start to boil some water in a coffee pot and grab the ingredients to make some coffee (or tea).

After making that, you sit down with the cup in your hands, sipping mindlessly away. You just close your eyes having this moment of peace all by yourself, blocking out all the negatives. Not to cold or hot temperature in the room, just right to comfort you, like a soft, warm blanket wrapped around you.

Too bad it didn't last forever, because just when you thought life was great and alright, there is a knock at the door. You place your beverage down on the coffee table and get up. You check in the peep hole to see two figures standing outside your door way. Hand on the door knob and turn, pull, and see. "Hi Mom, Dad."

"Oh, it's so good to see my baby again." Your mother engulfs you in a hug way too tightly, almost choking you. You looked behind her to see your father, so you let go of your mother from a trap of a hug and hug your father.

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