Chapter 7: A Day Out With Brendon Urie (Part 2)

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"Um- so like- where do you wanna go?" You asked sort of nervous.

"Wherever you wanna go." He just smiles, which makes you smile. (Which makes me smile)

"Um okay. There is this really nice place..." You look to your side.

"And where might this place be at?" Brendon questions.

"My-my place." You blush.

"I'd love to go." He says with a smile.

"Really? I thought that was like really weird since like we just started hanging out..." You felt a bigger heat in your cheeks.

Brendon took your hand. "It's okay, it's not weird. It's cute." He smirks slightly. Your heart melts. Maybe your cheeks will melt off. You start feeling your cheeks just in case. He then chuckles. "Let's go then, shall we?"

You smile. "We shall." You link arms with him and walk to his car. He opens your door for you, like a 'gentleman'. "Thank you." He acknowledges back. You get in and he closes it, then goes to his side and gets in. He starts the ignition and drives off.

You then get to your place and he parks. You then notice your hands interlocked with his for second and pull it away, your cheeks heating up again.

He laughs. "You have a cute blush."

You look away. "Shut up.."

"It totally is though." He touches your chin and makes you look at him. "More so than cute... Beautiful." He leans in, closing his eyes.

You panic. {!} You quickly open the door and get out. "Wait till you see my apartment." You smile nervously.

"Yeah..." He gets out and waits for you near the stairs. You walk up the stairs with him and open your door.

"Sorry for the slight mess..." You turn on the light. "I guess make yourself at home." You motion to the couch.

Brendon came up behind you and wrapped his arms around you. He put his head near your neck. You can feel his warm breath and start to tense, goosebumps all over. "You want something? Tea? Coffee?" You push away.

Brendon looked confused then replied. "Um we just had coffee and lunch. But I guess I'll take a water...?"

"Yup, on it." You go to your kitchen and just reevaluate life for just one second. Is he trying to go down on you? You grab a glass and fill it with water. You come back out and hand the glass to him. "Thanks..." He says with an awkward smile.

"Um wanna watch something? Netflix?" You sit down.

"Sure." He smirks.

"K then." You turn on the tv with the remote and find the Netflix app.

"What do you wanna watch?"

"Whatever you want I guess."

"Okay, supernatural it is!" You switch it to supernatural and lay on his arm watching it.

He slowly rubs your arm and trails it down to your thigh. You tense up again and feel a shiver go down your spine. "SAM YOU HO BAG!11!!11!"



"Calm down please. People live around you."

"Yeah..." You calmed down, trying not to blow your cover. You switched positions to where you were sitting on your legs and you have your arms wrapped around his arm. He leans in closer to you and starts kissing your neck.

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