Your first word (tony,steve,clint,bucky,bruce)

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(Y/f/dm)= your favorite Disney movie.
Pepper was sitting on the couch with you in her lap trying to get you to talk. "Come on (y/n) say mommy,say mommy,m-o-m-m-y!"said pepper,you only looked at her and coo'd and babbled like a baby.Tony walked into the room,"give up Pep she's not going to say mommy any time soon,obviously her first word will be daddy" said Tony,"Ya right Tony I doubt that will happen" said pepper.Bruce walked in the room,"hey my science bro whatcha doing out of the lab?" Said Tony,"I am aloud to leave the lab Tony and don't call us that we both have names and mine is Bruce" Bruce said rolling his eyes. Every one looked to you when they hurd a giggle come from you."scenc bos*gigles* daddy an boo!
"Said little (y/n).Every one looked shocked except Tony,he rushed over and took you from Pepper."ha I told you her first word would be daddy!" Said Tony, "actually her first word would be scenc her interpretation of science" said Bruce."shhhh Bruce don't rune this form me!" Said Tony."bad daddy!!" You said hitting Tony in the nose with your chubby baby hand.
Steve was sitting on the couch with you sitting in his lap watching (y/f/dm) when all of a sudden there was a big explosion and smoke coming from the lab, Tony stumbled out and the water sprinkler system turned on causing every one's clothing to get wet."Tony what did you do now?!" Said Steve ,"sorry I forgot to carry the 6 and it ended with a Big Bang."said Tony, "BAD GLOWEY!", (Y/n) yelled causing every one to look at the (h/c) headed child, "you said your first word!"said Steve picking you up,"are we just going to ignore that she just called me glowey?", "sssss glowey you in twuble!"you said ,"you know what, ok what ever I'm going to go extinguish the fire in the lab" Tony said storming off.
(Comment your favorite Disney movie)
you were sitting on your little baby mat that your toys were on and clint was sitting on the couch watching tv,when the window was smashed in and an assassin stood in its place.Clint shot up and started to fight the man.The other avengers came running in just as Clint was about to finish the job when you yelled "KILL HIM!",Nat picked you up and covered your was and eyes when Clint did it.after every thing was cleaned up Clint took you from Nat "wow 'kill him' those are lovely first words for a child don't you think Clint?" Said Tony, "hey I'm just happy she said something I've been trying to get her to talk for two weeks."
Bucky was having a serious conversation with Fury and the team about H.Y.D.R.A at a meeting and you were sitting on Bucky's feet playing with his shoe laces, when they brought up that they might be brain washing others like Bucky, you looked up and yelled "H.Y.D.W.A bad, daddy good!!" Every one leaned over and looked at you while you went back to playing with Bucky's shoe laces."(y/n) you said your first word!!!" He picked you up and held you close to himself in an embrace, when he got a shock threw his head and looked to see you pulling his long hair, "(y/n) stop" Bucky wined causing you to giggle.
Bruce had turned around in his swivel seat to check on you while you were painting but when he turned around he found all the green paint on you instead of the paper."(y/n) what on earth are you doing?" "I gween like HULK!"
(Y/n) yelled just as Tony walked in, he then turned around and started to walk out but right before he left he said "I'm not cleaning this up!". Bruce sighed and picked up a towel and wrapped it around you and took you to the bathroom,"at least you said your first words" he said and then kissed the top of your head.
Hey guys  so so so sorry for not updating for a while I couldn't think of any thing for Bucky or Bruce but I FINILY did and here it is again I'm so sorry for the late update, as always I hope you all had a good day and if not I hope I some how made it better.

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