12. Exposed

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12. Exposed

My eyes widened, curses rang in my brain. Peeta finally figured it out. And he had me trapped here on the bed with no means of escape except to fight him off-which would never happen since I wasn't strong enough.

"You're dreaming this, Peeta." My voice went high-pitched.

"You wish I was," he spat. His nails dug into my wrist, I hissed in pain. "Who are you?"

"Let me go." I wriggled desperately under him.

"Where is she?"

"I said let me go," I barked.

"I won't until you tell me where she is. What did you do to her?"

"What makes you think I did anything-?"

Peeta yanked me up and shoved me against the headboard of the bed, my head smacking against the wood. I cried out in pain. If I didn't know any better, I'd say Peeta was filled with enough rage to feel the need to bash my head in until I was dead.

He'll think you've done something to me so you could wiggle your way into my life and take it for your own. He won't appreciate that. If he's strong enough to throw a one-hundred pound sack of flour over his head, he can just as easily strangle you and possibly break your neck in the process. Mirror-Katniss's words decided to replay in my head of all times.

I had feared that this time would come. There was no way Peeta would let me escape this house. There were so many things he could do to me since he had me cornered with nowhere to run.

"Don't talk back at me. I know you did something to her!" he roared.

"I didn't!" My voice was desperate.

"Then why are you here?"

"Help!" I screamed. It was night; hopefully Gale came to check up on me even though I flipped out on him. I really needed him right now. I wanted him to burst through the door and rip Peeta off me so I could escape.

"Shut up."

I whimpered, wiggling uneasily. Here I thought Peeta never had an evil bone in his body. I was one-hundred percent wrong on that. He was holding me hostage now, waiting for answers that I would never give him.

"Get off her!" roared a voice.

My prayer had been answered.

I saw over Peeta to see Gale in the doorway, looking mega mad. Peeta looked over his shoulder, confused by Gale's presence. I wasn't confused, Gale must've heard me. Even though I was pissed at him, he still came for me. Sometimes I would never understand why Gale did the things he did.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Peeta snarled.

"I said, get off her," Gale hissed. His hands were clenched into fists, ready to be used if necessary. He looked about ready to charge at Peeta. "Now."

Peeta contemplated it for a bit before he released my wrists and climbed off the bed, but he still watched Gale with malevolent eyes. Gale pushed past him, climbing to check me over.

"I'm glad you came," I whispered. Despite how much I still hated him, I was just glad he was here. I didn't want to know what would have happened to me had Gale not come to my aid.

"I'm glad I did, too. Did he hurt you?" Gale asked me.

I felt the fingernail marks in my arms, but they weren't bleeding. My head throbbed painfully in the back. That'd take longer to recover from. "A little. Thank you...but I'm still mad at you." I slid off the bed, my back turned to Gale.

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