Chapter 30

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I open my eyes and see Brandon staring at me. He raises his eyebrows and walks closer to me.

"Hey, ready to go home?" I nod my head not wanting to argue or fight with him at all.

"How long was I out for?" My raspy voice manages to get out.

"Two days. Niall kept you under so you could rest easy and go home today." I nod my head as tears gather in my eyes. "Hey what's wrong baby?" He sits next to me and moves his hands to wipe the tears from my eyes. "I love you."

"I love you too." I smile back at him, my hazy mind not fully recalling the reason I'm in the hospital in the first place.

"I'm going to get Niall and hopefully we can leave." He gets up from the bed and walks out the door.

A few minutes later Niall walks in with a folder in his arms.

"Everything went really great can be discharged now." He looks almost sad that I'm leaving but I can't do anything about it. I have to go with Brandon.

"Okay." I whisper out as he hands me the discharge papers. I sign and date them at the according lines and hand them back to him.

"I'll help you out." He takes my hand and helps me out of the bed covers. He puts my shoes on for me and I stand taking Brandon's outstretched hand, dropping Nialls.

Niall walks up to the car that Luke is driving. Brandon takes the front seat and I am left by myself in the back seat.

Luke and Niall are taking through the open drivers side widow but soon he turns to face my window. I press the small button on the arm rest to make the window role down.

"I'll be coming back to America really soon and I'll check on you then." I nod my head, slightly sad he isn't coming with me.

"How soon is really soon?" I ask him looking into his ocean blue eyes.

"Two or three weeks." He leans in to whisper something in my ear, "I'll take you somewhere special." He pulls away slightly to kiss my forehead and then leaves my window.

I push the button again and the window rolls back up. I take one last look at London before heading back to America.
"Home sweet home." Brandon smiles as he walks through the front door, as I follow behind him.

"I loved London, even though we didn't really site see. We'll have to go back." I tell Brandon as I carefully take a seat on the soft sofa.

"Umm...definitely." He takes a seat behind me and pulls me towards him. I fall back into him as he strokes my hair.

"Listen, I really hope you can forgive me. What I did was wrong on so many levels. I was drunk and angry so I took it out on you. I'm sorry baby." I smile at him apology and pucker my lips.

"I forgive you babe." He leans down and our lips touch but there is just something off.

"How about I cook dinner while you clean up?" He asks as he kisses my head.

"Sounds perfect." I whisper as I sit up. "Wait." I smile and giggle.

"What?"  He laughs, a smile forming on his face.

"Can we get a puppy? I want one so badly. Please." He laughs and shakes his head making my smile drop.

"Sorry babe but not right now." I nod my head and stand from my position on the couch. Brandon smacks my ass as I start to walk away.

I didnt like it but i didnt dare say anything. Flashbacks of angry drunk Brandon play in my mind. A shiver runs down my spine as I take the stairs two at a time. 

I take my phone out of my pocket and click on "Nichole" Nichole is a code name that I had to put Niall's number as because if Brandon knew we were texting and calling each other, i would be in a world of hurt.

After three rings he answers.

"Hey baby." His sweet voice comes through the speaker. I saver every second I get to hear his voice. 

"Ni" I whisper out, tears for some reason pool at my eyes and I walk into the bathroom. I close and lock the door then go to sit on the floor. My anxiety levels rise and my breathing becomes heavy. 

"Is everything okay?" I honestly dont know how to answer his question.

"I dont know. Brandon has been fine to me but im so scared of what would happen if I try to break up with him." There is silence on the other end of the line for what seems like forever but in reality was just thirty seconds.

"Here is what I want you to do. I will be there in two weeks. If you can hang in there, I will make sure he will not lay a finger on you when you do it. Or you can write a letter breaking up with him then when he isnt home pack up all your stuff and go to a hotel." I think for a minute.

"I like the second idea. But what if he finds me? I'm so scared here." I whisper as I here footsteps coming towards the bathroom. 

"I'm so sorry. Everything will be okay." A knock sounds from the other side of the door.

"Yep, sounds good Nichole. See you in two weeks." I hang up the phone then flush the toilet. I wash my hands even though i never went to the bathroom and exit

"Everything okay?" He asks and I tell him the biggest lie of my life. 

"Yep, love you babe."

My Doctor Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now