Chapter 21

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We walk into our room in complete silence. The last few hours have been so taxing and my head is starting to really hurt.

I fall onto the bed with a sigh and close my eyes. I can't believe that Ethan is here, in this hotel. We have had a bad past. Well, actually just bad for me. For him it was pretty good.

"Hey guys we're going to go eat down in the hotel restaurant." Luke says looking at his phone. Niall mutters an okay and I don't say anything.

I open my eyes and stand from my spot on the bed but quickly sit back down. A rush of dizziness hits me like a truck. I close my eyes and take a deep breath hoping that it will rid me of the dizziness, but when I open my eyes I know there is no such luck.

"Are you okay Katie?" Someone asks me. I can't put my finger on who the voice is coming from because the room is spinning and my vision is blurry, but I reply with a 'yes' anyways.

I stand from the bed once again and grab Niall's hand for support.

"Why don't you just go Luke, I'll figure out what's going on." Luke nods his head and leaves the room for his food.

"What's going on Katie?" I shake my head 'no' to tell him that I have no idea what is going on. It can't be related to not eating because I would have just passed out.

"Tell me what's going on. What's wrong? What hurts? What- I don't know. Just tell me what's up with you." Niall says to me. I'm not able to respond as a wave of nausea hits me.

I run, or stumble, to the bathroom and fall to the floor in front of the toilet. I gag but nothing happens.

I gag again and stomach acid comes out of my mouth burning my throat and tongue in the process. I haven't eaten anything in two days which would explain why stomach acid is only coming up. But why am I throwing up in the first place?

"Make it stop Ni." I say with desperation in my voice. He kneels next to me and places his hand on my forehead.

"You don't have a fever, so it can't be the flu. Can you tell me if anything else feels weird or hurts." I nod my head which brings back the dizziness.

"My head hurts really badly, I'm dizzy, my vision is blurry, and I'm really nauseous." I tell him and he nods him head.

"Take your contacts out." I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion.

"Why?" I ask him.

"I want to see if your eyes are dilated." I can't comprehend the doctor talk at the moment but with Niall's help I stand and take my contacts out.

After my contacts are in their case Niall helps me sit on the bathroom counter to look at my eyes. After a minute of looking into my eyes he leaves the bathroom to rummage through his suitcase.

"Here put these on." He throws me a pair of his sweatpants and one of my T-shirts. He closes the bathroom door so I can change even though it's just me and him.

I carefully take my jeans off and slide into the sweatpants holding onto the counter for support. After I have successfully put the sweatpants on I take my shirt off but lose my balance and fall to the floor, head first.

There is a loud band and Niall comes storming in. He cradles my head and takes a towel from the rack to push against my head. After a minute he puts the towel to the side which now has my blood on it?

He quickly puts my T-shirt on my body and takes another towel to put pressure on, my apparently bleeding head.

He picks me up so my legs are wrapped around his waist and my arms are wrapped around his neck. He still has the towel pressed harshly against my head as he swiftly opens the door and runs into the hall.

He sprints down the hall to the elevator. If he has said anything to me I can't hear it because of the pounding in my head.

He rushes to the front desk and says something to the manager. He picks up the phone but I shut my eyes. I feel like I'm floating in space. I can't feel anything nor hear anything. I silently and unnoticeable slip into a dark state of unconsciousness.


I wake up to my head pounding and aching. I struggle to open my eyes but after a minute open them to the blinding light. I tilt my head to the right and see Niall sitting in a chair with his head in his hands.

I turn my head to the left and see Luke in the same position as Niall, I wonder what happened?

"L-Luke?" I weakly say. But it is enough for both of them to jump up from their seats and crowd me.

"How are you feeling Katie?" Niall asks me as he sits on the side of my hospital bed.

"Fine. My head hurts. What happened." Both Niall and Luke glance at each other and then glance back at me.

"You had a major concussion from falling in the lobby because of Ethan, then you fell and you hit your head on the counter in the bathroom. Your skull cracked open and we had to do stitches. They haven't been removed yet so you can't touch them or get them wet." I remember falling and hitting my head but after that it's just a blur.

I don't remember coming here or getting my stitches, so does that mean I was unconscious?

"Was I unconscious?" I ask Niall. He nods his head and I sign. I hate putting stress and worry on people but that's all I seem to do.

"I'm sorry." I sheepishly say. I should have told him in the first place that I wasn't feeling good.

"It's not your fault Kaitlyn." I sign because I know it was my fault. It always is.

"When do I leave?" I ask to no one is particular. Niall looks at my chart at the end of the bed and shakes his head.

"It doesn't say, but I'm estimating that you can leave in a few hours." I nod my head and a nurse comes in.

"Actually you can leave now, but Dr. Horan can I have a word please?" He nods his head and leaves the room with the nurse behind him.

"Are you ready Kate?" I nod my head once again and he helps me stand from my spot on the hospital bed.

"Okay lets go back to the hotel so you can rest." Niall says as he comes back in. He leads us down the hall way and to the lobby.

We make our way to the car and back to the hotel.

I wonder what the next few days will bring. I know for a fact that Niall will be doctoring me all the time. Luke will probable hover over me too. I guess time will tell.

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