Chapter Four: Why Is it In My Room?

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"Why are you here?", you try asking.

A rush of cold air rushes towards you as it moves its silk wings.

"To see you.", it doesn't say, but you just seem to know.

It soon vanishes in the air.

I've started to get kind of used to this. Waking up from weird dreams like this. It never hurts me, not like it could. I don't know why, like i've said alot, I just feel safe.

I got up and got dressed. Then I remembered that I was going to have to see Eric again. Even though hes Drakes twin, he still scares me. Hes like a evilier version of Drake. Someone who you just don't want to get near. I decided I might try to ask Drake what happened.

I was allmost ready to go, all I had to do was put my shoes on and then I heard someone knock on my door.


"Someone named Drake says he is here to take you to school.", my mother said that more like a question.

"Um, okay.", I didn't really know how else to reply.

I wonder why he was here. I don't remember him ever asking me if I needed a ride.

I walked down the stairs. I was looking at the walls as I walked down, there were pictures of me and my father, me and my mother, even all of us. I had the urge to cry a little bit, but then I saw Drake. I istantly felt better. Strange.

"Hey." he was smiling.

"Hey, why are you taking me school?"

"Because I thought you would rather get drived then walk." how did he know I walked?

"How did you know I walked to school?", am I just crazy or is that weird?

"Erm, I saw you walking the other day. Um, when you were walking into the school."

"Oh, okay.", he was very strange, but oh well it was entertaining. Now I think i'm weird.

I got in his car and started thinking about asking him about his brother. I was just afraid of upseting him. Though, I really wanted to know and it seemed like he was the only one who knew.

"C-Can I ask you something?", great, lovely, don't stutter Hayley!

"Sure, whats up?", his eyes were still on the road, but he still had some kind of pain or something in his eyes, I could see it.

"Whats with you and your br-I mean Eric." I didn't know if I should say that he is his brother or not. What if he doesn't want me to know?

"I know you were about to say brother." he clenched his teeth together a little bit.

"Yeah, sorry.", I didn't know what else to say.

"I rather not talk about it, though. I'll tell you one day, just not right now. Its just to confusing to explain."

By then we were at school and I looked over at Drake before we got out of the car. He still looked a little mad.

I got out of the car and started walking. I looked behind my shoulder and Drake was walking really close to me. Is there a reason he acts kind of over protective of me? Or am I just thinking about this little to much?

I walked right past Eric while trying to get in the school and it made me shiver a little bit. Mostly because it felt like Eric was staring straight into my soul and it was creepy. Especaily, sense his eyes were like a bright green, it was just creepy.

I could sense that Eric and Drake were glaring at each other from behind me. Its just a fact that they allways do that. Whatever happened between the both of them had to of been severe.

I walked into my first class and sat by Drake, like I had done the day before.

"When exactly do I get to find out?", I asked Drake.

"Your not gonna give up until you find out are you?"

"Not really, i'm very impatient."

"I can tell", he said with a sigh.

"So, when?"

"Just leave it alone, please."

I decided to just shutup. I probaly annoyed him by doing that. I just really hate not knowing things. Plus its fun knowing things that other people don't.


The rest of the classes before lunch went pretty fast.

I was sitting with new friends and they were pretty halarious.

"Did you know that scary boy and handsom boy are staring at you?", Chris said.

"They are?", I asked. I looked and they tottaly were. Its really creepy. "Thats kind of creepy"

"Seriously is.", Lily laughed.

"Drake just seems to be staring at Eric because he is staring at you, though.", Stacey said.

"Hes seems really over protective of me when Eric is around", I said without thinking.

"Probaly doesn't trust Eric", Zach said.

"I don't see why he would. Eric is scary.", Stacey said.


The rest of the day went pretty normal. Some tension between Drake and Eric, but other then that it was fine.

I got home and went straight of to my room to finish my homework. Homework should of never been invented. This is why there is school. Its not there so you have work at home to do to!

I laughed at my little outburst and just finished it. Then got in a shower and layed in bed.

I started to doze off when I started seeing something shining. I opened my eyes and saw the angel standing there. It still didn't have a face. In my dream I allways feel safe, which I did right now, but if you had some weird thing in your room with no face I bet you would be kind of freaked out.

At first I was freaked out, but then some common sense rolled in my mind and I tried to figure out how to get out of my room. It was blocking my door so that was out of the question. My window was there, but this was a two story house so, I wouldn't be very safe doing that. Then there was the closet, which would do nothing. Bathroom maybe? What am I going to do, camp out in my bathroom for the rest of my life until someone rescues me?

A few mintues after trying to decide, it just disappeared. I decided I would go sleep with my mother for the night. Not that I was scared or anything.


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