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6 o'clock in the morning, alarm is ringing, mom is screaming for me to go downstairs. Please! Please can I go back to bed.I beg to god. I hated school, no friends, not fucking one. I pray, I pray. But then I just get dragged out of bed. As weak as feathers. My dad drags me. I then start signing "Nothing Can Drag Me Down" and kick him. I go back to sleep for 5 minutes.

Well, I'm fucked. My big brother comes and picks me up and brings me down to the kitchen to collect my breakfast. Atleast it was waffles. I used to know one person who loved waffles, they moved to a city in China. That was my only friend at the time. Then I knew someone who also loved One Direction. She also moved to China. Why are all the friends that I have girls? I have no clue. 

"Mom, I feel sickkkkk" I said in a weak voice

"No you are not, you tried that on me 4 times in a row.  Oh! And it's P.E today. It's football, it will fun. You loved it back in grade 2" she exclaimed.

It's P.E, Shit. Football, even more shit. I did like to play football, well that was what was it again, 7 frikin years ago.  Maybe if I skived? Nevermind, that never works. I always seem to get caught somehow in the city. One of my mom's million idiotic friends say. "Oh my gosh! Is that you Aiden? Aren't you ment to be at school?" I will call your mom immediately. You must be lost."Yeah, that's what pretty much happens.

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