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Sooo...this is what happened.

So I am no longer doing a part two for "Okay? Okay." *braces for impact*

Okay let me explain first!!

So I've been really busy with things at school like practice for my play, studying for tests, and doing a lot of homework (ew) and I just haven't had time to sit down and try and make up a second part. And when I did I just couldn't think of a way to continue the first part😭

I'm really really sorry about doing this to you and I really hope you won't be mad at me for this (but you probably will) but I'm going to make up for this with a really good next part to this whole "Amilly Moments" thing☺️ So with this being said, please be patient with me and my updates because as I said I do have a lot of things to do but these next few parts I'm planning on making them really good!

I love you❤️

-Jessica ✨

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2016 ⏰

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