Chapter 44

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Dylan's POV


"What do you mean they took her?" Jacob asked.


I was downstairs making popcorn when suddenly I smelt this strange scent. It wasn't wolf or cat, in fact it smelt a lot like Ashley, but I knew it wasn't her. I sat the popcorn down and started making my way upstairs. Halfway to the top I heard a thud. I quickened my steps, feeling that something was very wrong.

I rushed down the hall to Ashley's room and pushed the door open, just in time to see a guy jump out the window, holding my unconscious mate. I growled as I shifted following him out the window. I landed harshly on my paws. That jump was higher than I thought. But I didn't care, I had a mate to get.

I followed the guy as he ran through the woods. My growls getting louder when he accidently smacked her head against a tree. Couldn't he be more careful? I was now no more than a foot from him when he finally noticed me. His eyes widened as he looked back, then he smirked, I snarled. Pushing myself faster I was about to take a bite out of his leg, when he hopped up in the tree. Damn angels. I watched as he hopped from tree to tree. I couldn't use my angel powers when I was in cat form, but I also couldn't shift cause I'd lose him.

Not paying attention to where I was going I tripped over a branch. I swore in my head as I face planted.

"Keep up kitty cat!" I heard a voice mocking me. When I looked up I noticed the guy was no longer in sight.

Flashback over

I spent hours trying to pick up the scent again, only to come up blank. When all hope was lost of following him I went to Jacob. This all happened two days ago.

I slammed my fist into the nearest wall. "Your stupid angels took her!" I growled out.

"That's not possible, I put protection spells around her house." He put spells around her house? When did he do this?

"Well your stupid spells didn't work." I glared at him.

"You need to calm down Dylan." He said soothingly. I felt myself starting to calm down against my will. Then got mad once again when I realized he was using his abilities on me. I ran over and grabbed him by the neck.

"Don't you ever try that again!" I growled into his face. He clawed at my hands trying to breathe.

"We won't be able to find Ashley this way!" He wheezed out. I dropped him at the mention of Ashley's name. "You need to be calm and think rationally, right now your cat and angel have full control over you. I might know where she is."

"Why didn't you say that two days ago?" I wanted to choke him again. He rubbed his neck as if he knew what I was thinking.

"I wasn't sure before, but now I am."

"Alright let's go." I started making my way to the door.

"We can't go along, we need backup." He told me. I paused, he wanted to go to those mangy mutts.

"Let's go."


"What makes you think we're going to help you? That ho deserves whatever it is she's getting." Blake growled at me. My eyesight went black, all I saw was him. I summoned my fire, while my hands were in flames I wrapped them around his neck. He didn't scream but I saw the pain in his eyes. As an alpha he had too much pride. I smirked.

"I'll kill you right now and have no regret." I tightened my hold. I could see he was struggling to breathe and not to mention the burn damage I was causing him.

"Please." He tried to say.

"Dylan, think about what you're doing. We need their help." Jacob stood next to me.

"We don't need these mutts." I stared into Blake eyes.

"Ashley wouldn't want you to hurt him." I knew he was right. She was too pure for her own damn good. I dropped him, and the flames vanished.

"Get your warriors together now!" I stormed into the office. James was sitting there at his desk doing paperwork. He looked up as I stormed in.

"What do I owe this surprise visit?" He asked.

"I know where Derek is and we're going to get him tonight."

"And how do you know this?" I wasn't in the mood to be asked questions. Before there was a repeat of what happened in the hallway Jacob quickly stepped in.

"Angels took him, and I know what angels."

"You've known all along?" James asked him. I frowned at his question. How does Jacob know which angels? How long have he known? Or even suspected? And he's now bringing it up.

"I didn't know if my guesses were right."

"Then who has him?"

"My ex." I looked over in surprise.

"Why the hell would your ex kidnap my mate?" I asked in confusion.

"It's a long story. Do you want to go save her or not?" That snapped me back to attention.

"Very well then, I'll have my pack ready soon." James nodded.

"You'll have them ready now." I glared. He raised an eyebrow at me. I felt my palms heat up.

"There's no time to waste. She won't waste any time to kill them, and we have to travel far." Jacob spoke up. I was silently challenging the alpha to go against him. I'll do things much worse than what I did to his son. Just then the door burst open and Lizzy ran in.

"Dad! What are you waiting for? They know where Derek is! Don't you care about him at all? Put your alpha to the side for one minute and care for someone besides yourself." She yelled. Wow got to give her props for speaking up. James seemed surprised at his daughter outburst.

"We'll leave in two hours." I nodded.

When I get my hands on whoever took my mate. They're as good as dead. Female or not.

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