Chapter 45

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Ashley POV


I stared at the scene before me. Penelope stood before us with a group of maybe twelve people. It was dark out, none of the faces were familiar to me though. That's her army? Sure, there are only two of us, maybe four if the strangers decide to fight. But I expected more people.

"How's it feel to be reunited with your mommy and daddy? None of you are leaving here though. I offered you an option. It seems you've decided not to help me, therefore you're of no use to me anymore." She smirked at me. I was confused by her words. Then my eyes drifted to the man and woman standing next to me. As I took in their features better I held my breath. I look like a mixture of them both. I had my mom hair color and my dad sharp features.

"Penelope what is this nonsense you're sprouting, our daughter is dead." The man said, choking up at the end.

"Oh, but she's standing right there! But you're right she'll be dead soon enough enjoy this moment while you can." The evil witch clapped her hands together in delight. I stiffened as the lady started making her way to me. She stopped a breath away and sniffed. I was confused with her actions. I watched as her eyes started to water.

"This is our baby Gabriel." She cried throwing her arms around me. For some reason I felt safe in her arms, it felt like home. But now was not the time. I pulled out of her grasp and turned my attention back to Penelope.

"Get out of our way." I growled.

"Oh, but the fun is just beginning! Although I will be nice and offer you a chance to return back to your cells. You know, before things get ugly." What the hell was wrong with her? I looked over at Derek. He stared at her with a blank expression. If we went to war against them, he'd have to watch his mate die.

"I don't want to hurt you." I told her seriously. Hurting her would mean hurting Derek, no one can live without their mate. Blake got a second chance but look what happened to him. Derek doesn't have any more options, he would probably kill himself if his mate died.

"Hurt me? Child you wish! You're not the only angel with powers." She glared. I watched as her hands started to glow and wind picked up around her. She's using two elements at once. Something I haven't mastered.

"And neither are you." A voice called from the nearby woods. A figure stepped out, I had to hold in my surprise when I realized it was Stacy.

Pure hatred covered Penelope's features, and I thought she didn't like me. At least there was amusement when she looked at me. "You think you can take me Stacy? What a joke. You couldn't take me then and you can't take me now." Before any of us could react, Penelope shot out a string of water, when it was halfway at its mark the water froze, turning into an ice spear.

Stacy dodged it just in time before it pierced her heart. Letting out a battle cry she shot out her hands and weird string like things came from them. What kind of magic was that?

When they reached Penelope, they wrapped around her arms. She let out a scream as her arms started to sizzle and melt off.

Derek let out a growl next to me and turned to attack Stacy. I went to grab his arm, but he shifted. I watched in horror as he raced towards Stacy. Stacy looked over as he neared her.

Thinking fast I quickly wrapped vines around his legs pulling him to a stop. Penelope freed herself while Stacy was distracted and shot out more ice spears. This time they met their mark.

The spear went straight through Stacy's heart. She grabbed at it, but it was too late. She looked up at me.

"Sorry." She said right as the color drained from her eyes and she fell to the ground. I didn't know Stacy very well and only met her two times. One where she kidnapped me. But she just sacrificed herself for me. I felt anger grip me. I faced Penelope once again, she had a smirk on her face as she watched Stacy die.

I threw a fireball at the side of her face. She let out a shriek wiping at her face. She turned to me and glared.

"Attack them!"


Dylan's POV

All you could hear was the sound of paws hitting dirt as we raced through the forest. Even Jacob had shifted. Although his choice of animal was strange. A giant black bear amongst werecats and werewolves.

All I could think about though was getting to Ashley. As we continued to run I felt a sharp pain in my side. It caused me to stumble slightly, but then it went away. But I know what I felt, Ashley was in trouble. I pushed myself harder. The werecats were all in front. Wanting to help their Luna, with me in front of all of them. James decided to stay back. Blake and ten other wolves came with us. It was twenty of us altogether.

"Were almost there." Jacob spoke to all of us in our mind. He didn't need any sort of link to communicate with us.

As we ran further I started to hear commotion up ahead.

"That's them." I put my nose to the air and sniffed catching Ashley's scent, mixed with blood. A snarl tore through my lips as the clearing came into view. I burst through the trees letting out a deep growl at the sight.


Ashley POV

A hiss left my lips as the gust of wind flew me back into a tree. I could feel blood running from my elbows as I fell to the forest floor.

"You're not leaving here alive tonight." Penelope glared at me. She pushed her foot against my throat pinning me to the tree. I latched my hands onto her heel and toe preparing to use fire, when I heard a deep growl from the middle of the clearing. Penelope paused as she looked back. But it was too late. A big black flaming panther tackled her to the ground. I sucked in air as her foot released me. There was a trail of fire following the path the panther had ran. I looked over to see the panther pinning her to the forest floor. She had her hands stretched out trying to avoid his teeth.

I got up to my feet feeling pain everywhere. I limped towards the fight. The panther looked up at me as I neared. With Dylan checking on me he lost focus on Penelope. She got a grip on his neck and started to squeeze. I watched as her arm started freezing, and I knew what was coming next.

"Dylan watch out!" I screamed, but it was too late. I watched the tip of the ice come out from her palm and into the side of his neck. He let out a painful yowl and I screamed.

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