Chapter 39

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I sat in class Monday morning feeling exhausted. So much has changed in my life. First, I discover I have two mates, then one rejects me, I meet an angel then discover I'm an archangel and my parents hid me on earth away from some council. Could my life get any more complicated? Maybe. Ever since we got news of the council three days ago I've been training extra hard. I've mastered most of the elements and can teleport, what I can't do is reveal my wings. When Jacob brought this up I thought he was joking, but he wasn't. He said they would be helpful in a fight, but sadly for us they won't show themselves. Dylan mastered fire and air faster than I did. Jacob had joked that he was the real angel. Sadly, though he still only knows how to shift into cats, guess old habits die hard.

"Have you spoken to my brother lately?" Lizzy asked pulling me out of my thoughts. The teacher was going on about something up front, but I had zoned out at the beginning of the lesson.

"Which one?" I asked her.

"Derek, I haven't seen him all day." She said.

"Maybe he just skipped..." Even as I said that I didn't believe it, that's just not like Derek.

"Yeah, but I didn't see him leave this morning either." She said.

I started to get a bad feeling, where was Derek? "Have you seen Blake?" I asked.

"Yeah he was..." she looked at me hesitantly as she trailed off.

"He was what?" I asked.

"Well he was with Zoey." She said flinching as if the words hurt her to say. I cocked an eyebrow at her.

"Why didn't you just say that?" I giggled. She looked at me in surprise.

"Cause he's your mate I didn't know how you'd feel about it." She said.

I shook my head. "He was my mate. Dylan is my mate, I feel nothing for Blake." I told her smiling. It's so funny how nervous she was.

"Oh, I didn't know how that went; I've never met anyone with more than one mate." She said awkwardly.

"Well maybe he saw Derek. We'll ask him after class." I said, and she nodded.

"So, what's it like with Dylan." She wagged her eyebrows at me. I blushed.

"It's nice." I said.

"Is he big?"

"Lizzy! That's none of your business." I said cheeks flaming. Lizzy broke out in laughter, causing the teacher to glare in our direction.

"Is there something you want to share with the class Lizzy?" She sneered.

"In fact, there is Ms. Rain, those shoes so don't go with that skirt." I gaped at Lizzy before covering my mouth trying to keep in my laugh.

"To the office now!"


"There's my little rebel." I said as Lizzy walked up to Dylan's car. We were in the school parking lot and had to wait till Lizzy got out of detention. Most of the kids were gone, except the ones also leaving detention.

"Shut up it's your fault I was in trouble." She said.

"Yeah right my Ashley is a little angel." Dylan told her smirking while wrapping an arm around my shoulder. I rolled my eyes at his dumb joke. But couldn't help the way my heart squeezed when he called me his.

"Are we going to look for Derek?" I asked, as we all climbed into Dylan's car.

"Where would we even start looking? I asked around school earlier and no one has seen him. Did you ask Blake?" She asked me. I saw Dylan glance in my direction.

"I didn't see him." I said shrugging.

"We need to stop at my house then." Lizzy said, I agreed. Dylan drove us towards the pack house. This was my third time here, it was just how I remembered it. We all got out of the car and followed Lizzy up to the house. I was a little nervous with Dylan being with us, but Lizzy didn't seem to mind.

"Blake!" She yelled as we walked into the house.

"We're in the living room." I heard him call out. We followed Lizzy into the room. Sat on the couch was Blake and Zoey, across from them was Jessica.

"What are they doing here?" He asked glaring at Dylan and I. Zoey looked up and as she turned her head I saw the scar of my claw marks. I hadn't seen her or Blake at school today.

"You're going to pay for this." She said lunging at me. I rolled my eyes. Flicking up my hand I had wind throw her into the wall and pin her there.

"We came here to talk and if you can't handle that then you need to leave." I stated calmly.

"She's not going anywhere! She's welcomed here you aren't." Blake growled jumping up. Dylan quickly stepped in front of me. I didn't understand why Blake was being so protective of Zoey until I sniffed the air. They mated, she was now his mate.

"Blake you need to calm down! There are bigger issues. Haven't you noticed Derek is missing?" Lizzy yelled frustrated.

Blake frowned at her before turning his glare back on us. "This is pack business we can deal with it ourselves. They have no reason to be here." He said.

"No reason to be here? Derek is my friend! I have every right to be concerned." I glared at him. Well as much as I could from behind Dylan. I guess mating with Zoey turned Blake into a cold-hearted man just like her. I never expected him to act like this.

"You can be concerned away from this pack." He snarled taking a step forward.

"Watch it mutt, come any closer and I'll have your mate concerned for you." Dylan said. I guess he also realized that they mated. Blake's eyes snapped to him and I could see his wolf starting to take over.

"You challenging me?" He chuckled darkly. Dylan simply cocked an eyebrow at him. I knew if Dylan decided to challenge Blake he could easily win. He didn't know Dylan was part angel now and much stronger than him.

"Guys stop! We need to find Derek." Lizzy said.

"Forget it Lizzy we're leaving. No one here is thinking rational." Dylan said grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the door. I let him, realizing he was right. Blake wasn't going to help us find Derek or with anything else for that matter. As we opened the front door we both stopped, my eyes widened at the scene. In front of the house stood at least twenty pack wolves.

"Good luck getting out after hurting their Luna." Blake's dark voice said from behind us. I looked over at Dylan and saw the excited glint in his eye. Blake has no idea what he just did.

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