A Hearts Dream Chapter Fourteen

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Dedicated to SarahLovey for always commenting and helping me to write this! 

Thank youu! <3 :D 


I turned my head around. A young looking man, around my age, was standing before me. His hand was open, waiting for me to slip my own hands into his probably. His white mask had the same shape as mine; like a superhero's. I could see that he had dirty blond hair, even in the poor lighting. His lips were turned up in a polite smile. 

"Um," I blanked out.  

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Malcolm Davis," the boy informed me, turning his hand side ways for me to shake it. 

"Violet Stevers." I replied. For a second I hesitated, but I shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you. So, you're here alone?" Malcom asked.

I shook my head. "No. I'm here with a friend." I was starting to wonder if Blake would ever come.

"Oh. Well, I don't see your friend around. What's her name?"

I let out a little smile. Blake wouldn't be too happy when he heard someone called him a her. "Um, his name is Blake Coltan. Do you know him?"

Something in his green eyes hardened. But, before I could figure out what it was; it was gone. "Oh. Yes. I wonder where he is," Malcolm muttered. "Anyway, will you dance with me? The song will change any minute now."

As if on cue, the beat of the music changed into a slow one. I swallowed and looked around. Blake had told me not to go anywhere. But, he hadn't said I couldn't dance. And, plus, it wasn't like Malcolm was going to try anything. We were in a room full of people.

"S-sure," I replied. I slipped my hand into his and we walked down the stairs. This time, I felt like a princess descending the stairs with her Prince. Only, Malcolm wasn't my Prince...

Malcolm slipped his arm around me, hugging my waist as I slipped my hands around his shoulders, shyly. I didn't know where I got the courage to do this, but I clasped his hand with my free one anyway. People swirled around us; the girls' dresses swishing everywhere as they leaned their head's onto the guys' shoulders or chests'. I looked back up at Malcolm, surprised to see him already looking at me. Blushing slightly, I looked away. I stared at the entrance doors, looking for any sign of Blake. 

Then it hit me.

I hadn't seen what Blake's mask looked like; he hadn't shown me. And, now, I didn't know what he looked like. A lot of boys here had dark hair. And, everyone was wearing the same as him. A black tux. Suddenly, I felt nervous. What if he was back and looking for me? Would he be angry that I've gone off with someone else? 

"What's wrong? You look panic-y." Malcolm whispered in my ear.

I flinched at the space between us. Only a thin layer of air. "Um, I'm looking for Blake..."

"Why? Enjoy this dance with me," he said. Malcolm leaned away from me and I exhaled. He stared at me as I did.

"Uh, s-sure. But-"

"But what? Forget about Blake for a second. Come on." Malcolm's hand tugged mine harder.

I flinched. I didn't even know this guy. Why was he talking -ordering me around as if he was my boyfriend? Suddenly, all I wanted was to get away from him.

"I actually need to go to the toilet." I tried taking my hand out of his sweaty ones but he didn't allow it. He only gripped it harder.

"What? Why? Let's finish this dance first, Violet." He grinned.

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