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×Chris POV×

As you can probably guess, it was not my idea to change schools or even move. I was highly against it since it's the third time this year. But it's for dads work so I really had no choice.
I'm extremely nervous, I'm never good with the whole 'new kid' thing and making friends.

"Hey mom, have you seen my bag?" I call down as I search through a few boxes hoping to find it.
"Down here Chris. Hurry, you're going to be late and you still need to meet with the principal."

I sigh at the thought of meeting another principal but smile because dad said this is the last move for the year.


I met with the principal and got the list of my classes, all pretty good ones. I have art first luckily, I wouldn't be able to concentrate on anything else this early.

Walking around the halls to find my locker I can already tell that this school has a huge group problem. Just like every other school.

"Hey, you must be new! I'm Anna, do you need help finding your locker or a class?" She seems very hyper for it being 8 am.
"Uh yeah, I need to find my locker." I hand her my class list since it has my locker number on it as well.

"223A? That's next to me!" she grabs my hand and drags me along to the locker.

We get to the locker and after two tries I managed to get it open.

"So Chris, I guess it's safe to say we're kinda um, becoming friends?" I look to see she has a small smile, I smile back.
"Of course." I managed to make a friend on the first day.
"Yay!" she claps while jumping and hugs me. "I can't wait to have you meet the rest of the group. They're going to love you!"
"Can't wait." I release our hug and she kisses my cheek.
"Sorry, you're just so adorably shy. The rest of them are too, well except for Pj. He's the most non-shy one out of them."
"And you are too I'm guessing?" I laugh.

She blushes and smirks.
"Must run in the family. Come on, I have Art with you too!"
"You're that Pj guys sister?"
"Yeah, twin actually!" I hope he's not as hyper.

As we walk to our first class I couldn't help but notice how beautiful she really is. She's tall, but not super tall. I'd say around 5'6. She has long curly hair which is black and fades to purple. I think it suits her olive like skin. Hazel eyes like mine, but hers are more lighter.
Her outfit is nice. A light peach colored skirt with black thigh highs, black heels, and a white jumper that hangs off her shoulder.

Most people would be surprised that I know so much about girl clothes, like the colors and the actual name of each piece of clothing. Little do people know that I find interest in reading moms magazines when she's not home.
I haven't come out yet to my parents about being bisexual, although I think mom is catching on.

It's finally luch period and I was looking forward to being with Anna again. She really is the sweetest person I've met here so far. Everyone else is a bit of a dick.
There's a guy in my history class that is pretty nice, a little shy but his eyes are beautiful. He has jet black hair, pale skin, and the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen. I didn't catch his name though.

As I exit my class, I see Anna waiting for me. When she sees me she smiles and jumps to give me a hug. I catch her and hold her as she hasn't let go yet. I laugh as she has to climb back down.
I'm 6'3 so it's a mission for her when hugging me. I think it's adorable.

"Come on, the guys are waiting." she grabs my hand and we walk through the crowded halls to the cafeteria.
"Okay, okay. I'm coming." I smile as she scrunches her nose at me.

We reach the cafeteria and she continues to hold ny hand as we walk up to a table that has three guys sitting at it already.
One being the guy from my class. I freeze a little and smile shyly.

"Hey guys! This is Chris. He's new and I thought it would be cool if we corrupted- I mean if he joined our little group!" she giggles a little as she lets go of my hand.
"Anna, we don't want to scare him away so soon."
"Pj! Hush." She smiles and looks at me. "Okay so, that's my twin Pj, that's Dan, he's a little weird-"
"Bitch.." Dan mumbled loud enough for her to hear. She sends him a glare and he looks back at his phone after waving at me.
"And that's Phil. Dans boyfriend!" Phil smiles at me and I can feel my cheeks get hot.

"You're in my history class." I say as Anna pulls out a chair next to her for me to sit.
"That I am. How are you liking your first day so far?" his smile is so cute.
"It's not bad. I'm just glad I met Anna or I'd probably be eating in a bathroom stall." They all laugh a little, except for Dan. He's just glaring at me.

"Your locker is literally next to mine, you would have met me no matter what, silly." She then bites into her sandwich.
"Don't mind my sister, she's very friendly. But she's right, you would have met her anyway. Like she said, I'm Pj." he smirks a little then bites his lip.

Why are all the guys here so damn attractive. Dan is too, but with the death glares he's been giving, makes it hard not too find him more attractive.

On the walk home I couldn't stop thinking of how beautiful Phils eyes are, how gorgeous Anna is, Dans evil looks, and how hot Pj is.
I feel my cheeks getting hot again the more I think of them all.

Anna: hey babe! I might have grabbed your phone at lunch while you and Pj were talking about Magic and gotten your number ;)
Me: oh ok. Hey :)
Anna: I miss your face already! Lets hang out.
Me: i miss you too. Sure, come over?

Not going to lie, I did miss her already.. Sad, I know. But she was my first friend and I love how hyper and happy she is. I gave her my address and put the unpacked boxes into my closet.

After ten minutes I heard a knock on the door and quickly went to open it.
I knew Anna was coming but I didn't know she was bringing the others with her.
She changed her outfit too. She's now wearing white skinny jeans, black flats, and a pink jumper. Her hair was in a bun now too. Anna looks even more beautiful than she did at school.
The guys are still wearing what they wore at school though.

Hey guys! Sorry this chapter was boring but it's the first so it will get better :)
What do you guys think of Chris' adorable admiration of Anna, Pj and Phil?
Think Dan has a clue of what Chris thinks about Phil and that may be why he keeps staring at Chris that way?

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