Chapter Three

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Authors Note: I really like this story so far and how it's developing , it's not going to be the typical werewolf book and I've got so much tricks up my sleeve! But anyway please enjoy and be sure to vote and comment .

"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown" H. P. Lovecraft

"Thanks so much Hunter, if it wasn't for you our tent would never be up "Sapphire gushed , clutching onto Hunters bicep and gazing at him as if he was the next Messiah.

I rolled my eyes before climbing into the over sized tent, taking out my sleeping bag and unraveling it while thinking about Mr. average who actually seemed nice .

I wasn't stupid , there was something odd about him but I couldn't decide if it was good weird or bad weird but I concluded that I'd keep him at arms lengths anyway .

Frankie entered the tent dragging in her huge Tom Ford Bag that was filled to the brim with food followed by her matching Tom Ford suitcase that contained her clothes .

"Hey Jasmine " Grinned Frankie , flopping down next to me in her usual cheerful manner .

I gave her a slight smile , wishing I could be as laid back and easy going as her.

"Want some food? If Ash and Sapphire think I'm living off their sugar free and low fat snacks then  they have another thing coming " Giggled Frankie , used to my usual silent treatment.

"P-please" I stuttered, giving her my most grateful look because I wasn't with all the dieting crap like the rest of the girls which was why they all had better bodies than me.

Frankie tossed me a packet of cookies with some 7Up before opening herself a bag of donuts and stuffing them in her mouth , it was beyond me how she could eat like a pig and still have the body of a supermodel.

Just as I was about to thank her , Ashley and Mr. Average burst into the tent making a ruckus and chasing away any confidence I was about to gain by speaking .

"Who's the kid?" Demanded Frankie immediately .

"Beats me" Ashley shrugged pushing a piece of her buttery blond lock behind her ear "He wants to speak to you Jasmine".

I felt myself turn pink , much to my annoyance , was this some stupid prank?

Huffing, I nodded and walked out of the tent , expecting him to follow me, and when I deemed it to be an private enough area I stopped and spun around .

"I didn't mean to bother you , I just wanted to speak . I'm Danny by the way" He rushed out as I raised my brow.

"Ok" I nodded in confusion, he called me out to tell me his name?

"I don't know how to explain it but I have this feeling like something big is about to happen tonight , something bad. I don't know what it is about you but my instincts are going crazy to protect you , so, that's what I'm going to do because my instincts are never wrong. You must stay by me all night " He explained , furrowing his brows in concentration .

Normally I would have laughed at him and walked away but there was something in me that was compelling me to believe him, especially with all the weird vibes and feelings I was having about this trip. It was like I could feel that something was about to happen tonight .

"M-maybe we should tell?" I rushed out , refusing to meet his eyes.

"And say what? We have a weird feeling about this trip? Please, they'd just think we were acting up because we didn't wanna be here " Danny scoffed , kicking a rock with the tip of his foot.

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