Chapter Sixteen

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Author's Note:
Remember I had that competition ages ago where the winner would have their very own main character in my book? Well, congratulations again to Bxby-A whose character is the Queen of the Witch Realm and will be featured in today's and many other chapters!


"When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid."
― Audre Lorde

Suddenly everything stopped. The furniture crashed down and the wind was gone as soon as the words left Chaos's mouth.

I was a... witch?

How? There was no way it was possible.

"Well it is so, congratulations! What did you think the voice in your head was anyways?" chimed the voice that I had assumed was my subconscious.

"I- I don't understand. My parents are normal! There's no way that this is possible! I- I can't..." I murmured, my breathing becoming fast and laboured.

"I know," Chaos said, taking a careful step towards me, as if he didn't want to frighten me, "We'll go the Witches' Realm and Queen Octavia will explain everything to us."

"But what if she doesn't? You just told Darkness she hates you," I worried, closing my eyes and letting Chaos draw me into his comforting embrace.

"Well, yes. You're right. She isn't my biggest fan, but I am still a God–and one of the most feared ones at that. She will be sly and very slippery, but she will help."

Grabbing his hand and giving it a squeeze, I said, "I believe in you. When do we leave?"

"When Darkness returns. I want him to accompany us for extra security measures even though I know nobody would dare touch you, but I am very protective of you and am bringing you into the enemy's home. Witches are very different from other creatures; while they aren't the fastest or strongest, they are the most powerful– Royal Witches, anyway."

"Tell me about them."

"The witches and wizards don't have a specific realm, as they like to roam, but they always come back to a place called 'Dustbowl'. It was one of the first places created on Earth and is bound with magic. They believe it is sacred which is why they do not allow any other species accesses to it, unless they have a very specific reason.

Royal Witches are powerful and are able to control everything, including being able to influence a person's thoughts or feelings, speak prophesies and they can place curses upon people. They are immortal and are only killed if you can find their magical core in Dustbowl, which is difficult, and break it. There are only four Royal witches alive, and males cannot be Royal," he explained, before giving a clap that made the room go back to its previous pristine look.

"Oh wow, they seem pretty intimidating. What if she puts a curse on us?" I asked, chewing my lip thoughtfully.

"You cannot curse the God of Punishment; I practically invented curses," Chaos smirked cockily.

I rolled my eyes but I couldn't help but feel a slight sense of pride swell inside of me. My Mate was one of the most powerful and feared Gods ever; he was untouchable, and it made the submissive part of me purr in appreciation.

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