Chapter Twenty

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~ My King ~"You and Chaos seem to be getting on incredibly well now

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~ My King ~
"You and Chaos seem to be getting on incredibly well now. I'm really happy for the both of you," commented Cindy.

It was a Sunday afternoon and I was spending the day with Cindy and Sam, relaxing after a hard week of training with the twins. Sundays were my favourite days as I got to gossip with my two closest friends and not worry about anything.

However the relaxed atmosphere was tainted with the prospect of not finding Sapphire, which kept niggling in the back of my mind. Sapphire was an important part in the war according to Octavia and it was vital that we found her before 'they' did.

I wasn't sure who 'they' were and whenever I asked Octavia about it she would always give me some type of cryptic and ominous reply that made me feel even more confused. She insisted that all her prophecies were vague. I suspected that she knew more than she was letting on, but I didn't want to make a big deal out of it because I knew Chaos would intervene.

"Yeah. We're getting on really well and he's trying a lot harder to not be an ass," I giggled, sipping on my freshly squeezed orange juice that Sam had brought up for me.

"It's so clear how in love the both of you are, you're like magnets as whenever you enter the room he can't even take his eyes of you! You automatically gravitate towards each other and it's honestly so sweet," gushed Sam making me flush shyly.

"You really think so?"

"Of course!"

"I love him; I know that one hundred percent, but it scares me how fast everything is moving. I literally found out that I was a witch two weeks ago, and now I'm trying to find a way to look for my twin because we are needed in the war," I confessed chewing my lip thoughtfully.

"What's your sister like?" asked Cindy curiously.

Frowning, I tried to think of the right words to say without sounding offensive.

"She's really pretty and everyone loves her. Sapphire is talented in almost everything and she isn't afraid to show it off. She's really confident and more or less the opposite of me. She can be a little inconsiderate and obnoxious, but I don't think she means to be. She's just a little bit... self-centred?" I replied carefully.

"She sounds like a bitch," snorted Sam rolling her eyes in dismay.

"She's not!" I exclaimed automatically.

It was almost instinct for me to defend my sister. It was strange, but I felt like it was okay for me to say she can be a bitch but whenever anyone else said anything offensive I didn't like it. Maybe it was because that Sapphire always defended me against other people without a moment of hesitation, although she had no qualms in putting me down herself.

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