Chapter 03

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"My god, I cant believe your mother could do this to you," Ms. Hailey said as she treated the wound on my head. " Jeane is just too kind to do this kind of thing"

"She's just missing dad," I told her matter of factly.

"Sigh. Do you have a place to stay?"

i shook my head . . . .

"Then stay here, alright. I have an extra room upstairs, you can have that."

"How much would it cost?"

"Shine, just help me out with the shop okay? That is enough for me."

"Thank you" I just said . . .

I was too numb to express the gratitude I felt right now. I am thankful but somehow I dont feel it . . .

"Now go and rest."

"I'll go out. Freash air," I said and walked out the door. Ms. Hailey just sighed . . .

I walked and walked . . .

Just wandering aimlessly again . . .


I passed the grocery store . . .

I remember how we used to go there during Saturdays . . .

My dad and i would always play around with the carts . . .

Chasing each other as if we were on a race . . .

I remember how my mom apologized to the manager one time when my dad and I knocked a shelf of canned goods down . . .

I remember how we snickered when my mom scolded us both when we got home . . .

It was a great day . . .


I passed the Skating Rink . .

I remember my first time on the rink . . .

I was scared . . . really scared . . .

I didnt know how to skate . . .

And it was freezing in there . . .

I'm scared . . . 

I started to cry . . .

But my dad held on to one of my hand . . .

And my mother held on to the other . . .

and slowly we walked  . . .

step by step by step . . . .

until i was able to skate on my own . . .

I turned around swiftly and smile at them .. . .

But then i fell . . .

i laughed . . .

good times . . .


I looked up to see that i was at the soccer field . . . 

the buttercups arent as beautiful as they usually looked in the day . . .

The moon was shining brightly, illuminating the river flowing on the far, far end of the field . . .

the river was always a vibrant blue, now its just a sad silver streak across the field . .

now that i think about it . . .

everything you see isnt always what it really is . . .

sometimes you just have to turn your back to the obvious and get hurt to truly understand what life is . . . .

life isnt as easy as eating cotton candy at the carnival . . .

it isnt as easy writing your name . . .

it isnt as easy as and carefree as laughing . . .

its a lot more than that . . .

its as hard as riding a bike for the first time . . .

you fall a lot of times . . .

you stand back up and try . . .

but you still fall . . .

you may stand up and successfully learn how to ride it . . .

but sooner or later . . .

even though you say you already know how . . .

sooner or later you fall again . . .

that is life  . . .

there is no such thing as a stable ground . . .

that is life . . .

I sat down the edge of the field . . .

"I miss you Dad," I said  as the tears rolled down my cheeks for the first time in a lone time . . .

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