Chapter eleven (Marcel pov)

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Marcel pov (😱)

  Ever since the first time I laid eyes on her I have felt butterflies erupting in my stomach. She has made me feel more confident than I have in years. She brought out the real me and that's all I could ever ask for.

  When I came out of the hallway and saw her standing there, clearly in pain with blood dripping down her face, something inside of me snapped. I kept it under wraps better than Harry though. When she said it was her dad she cowered back into me because of Harry.

  All I wanted to do was wrap my arms around her, hold her close, and tell her everything was going to be fine. I couldn't though for two reasons. One, she's obviously in pain and I need to make it go away. Two, to tell you the truth I don't really have the nerve to make such a bold move.

  Harry clearly likes her, especially after what he did that first day she came. I can't just take my brothers girl even if they aren't a thing. No matter how bad I want to, I can't. Unless, she made the decision and chose me over Harry. Ha, like she would do that.

  I was walking back to the bathroom when I saw Mia rush out the door and into my room. I furrowed my brows and looked up to see an angry looking Harry, clenching his fists and breathing heavily. "What did you do to her?" His head snapped up and he grit his teeth. "Nothing." "What did you do to her?!" I yelled, my anger growing at the thought of him hurting her. I don't care if he is my brother right now, if he hurt her he is going down. "I said nothing. I did nothing. She ran out because I got angry at her dad. I didn't say anything." He seethed, taking deep breaths in attempt to calm down. I was about to reply, but got interrupted by a loud thud coming from my room. My eyes widened and I rushed down the hall.

  I kneeled next to her small, limp figure and placed my hand gently on her back. "What happened?" I felt Harry's presence next to me and looked down at her worriedly. "She passed out." I took her into my arms bridle style and carried her to my bed. "Can you get a cold washcloth and some water please." He nodded and swiftly left the room. I laid her on the bed and moved a stray piece of hair from her face, caressing her cheek. Harry came back in and handed me the washcloth, setting the water on the bedside table. I placed the washcloth on her forehead and wiped it across a few times.

  "Mia?" I whispered softly, in attempts to wake her. "Mia?" Her eyes started to flutter before finally opening. I sighed relieved and sat on the edge of the bed. She took in her surroundings and met my eyes, a small smile spreading across her face. I returned the favor and she removed the washcloth.

  "What happened?" She groaned, sitting up carefully. "You passed out." Harry responded and handed her the water which she took gratefully. She downed the water and handed it back to him. She turned to me. "I better get back before he gets too mad." She spoke barely above a whisper, almost pleadingly. "You should stay here tonight. We can take you back in the morning to get ready for school." She met my eyes again and they sparkled with hope. "Really?" I nodded, smiling widely in assurance. 

  "I'll sleep on the couch." I went to get up, but her hand around my arm stopped me. "I will." "Nonsense. You can stay in here and borrow some clothes if you'd like. I'll be downstairs if you need me." I smiled and she finally accepted my offer.

  I went downstairs, making myself as comfortable as I can on the couch before falling asleep dreaming of a girl I could never have.


You guys have almost reached the goal!!!!! Just got to get this to 150 votes for double update!!!

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Peace out babes😘✌

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