Chapter 7

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As the atmosphere returned to its previous form, the creatures were brought back to the ocean for their renewal. 

Nate had never felt power like he did moments ago. While the ocean renewed him, she praised him for a job well done, returning him to the coast where he entered her. 

Meanwhile, trapped in her depths was Cold. In the walls of the whirlpool, she saw images and memories. A movie of the night everything went to hell for her. The night Jason died. 

She watched as Jason and Nate walked the street, joking and laughing. The beauty of his laugh put her in acute pain. 

Nate stopped, as did Jason, watching him curiously. "You okay?" his smooth voice resonated in her mind. Unknowingly, a soft gentle melody escaped her throat.

"I'm going to tell Cold how I feel about her," Nate stated.

"What?" Jason questioned in disbelief, "What do you mean?"

"I like her, a lot. And I'm going to tell her."

"But I told you I was going to tell her that I liked her two days ago," Jason responded, sizing up Nate. His fists clenched and eyes narrowed. 

Cold stared in disbelief. Her melody intensified slightly.

"Well I like her too and I think she should know," Nate said with a shrug, taking a step closer. 

"That's not fair! You're going to make her choose because you can't put your stupid ego aside? I was the one who spoke up and told you how I felt, and you said nothing. Nothing!"

"Well, I'm saying something now. And you should be grateful I even gave you a heads up."

Jason's fist connected with Nate's jaw, "You're full of shit Nate!"

Nate retaliated with a blow of his own, however, Jason dodged. Tackling him to the floor, he threw punches at Nate's face. Headbutting Jason, Nate took the opportunity to get to his feet.

Nate kicked Jason in his mid-drift, sending him stumbling into the road and falling on his rare end. A second later, blinding lights zoomed past Nate. Staring in shock, he watched the truck speed over his best friend's body and then come to an immediate halt.

 Panic danced across his face when he saw Jason's mangled body on the road. "No, no, no, no, no," he muttered to himself, making his way to Jason.  There was blood everywhere and Jason's head was at a strange angle.

Before he reached the body, he heard the slamming of a door. Seeing the driver approaching, Nate knew he was in big trouble.  

Turning, his feet pound the pavement in an attempt to escape. This was all his fault. If he had not said anything, this wouldn't have happened. Maybe if he wasn't so selfish, his best friend would still be alive.

A disturbing cry forced its way out of Cold's mouth. She felt a mixture of the anger Jason felt, being betrayed by his best friend, the physical toll his body felt when he was run over by that truck, and the hate and hurt he felt as his last sight was that of Nate running away. 

She felt all of his pain.

More importantly, she felt the hate she harboured reach its breaking point. Her body craved violence. She craved blood! 

She heard the words Nate always said to her, 'I would never hurt you' replaying loudly in her head. Yet, he was the reason for her constant despair. For her intense pain grief and downfall. It was his fault that her life became unbearable. And now, there was a new level of pain, anger, and hatred she reached. 

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