Fun Facts!
I started this story because of a dream I had. I was in a destroyed city and I knew I was a werewolf. A guy used his powers to change the citizens into animal-behaving creatures. I was there together with two friends, Shakey and Tessa. Although I didn't completely use the dream during the end of my story, some elements stayed the same.
I started Full Moon back in December 2007, while working on Fight For Love for the first time. I put it on hold to rewrite FFL and finish another story of 40 pages. I think I started working again on it somewhere in 2008 or 2009. I started Cold Moon during the summer of 2009. You can already imagine how hard it was to write about the cold and winter in summer! I wrote Rising Moon in 2010 and ended during the summer of 2011. So in fact it took me about four years to finish the story. It was a long journey, but I really enjoyed myself. I changed and added many things. It was never my intention to make it so long, but I don't mind. Yes, it has taken me till 2016 to upload it here on wattpad, but you can blame my laziness and forgetfulness XD
The main characters found in the story are based on real life friends (Shakey, Tessa, Leonie and Jaël).
Shakey requested that I hung a duckling keychain at the end of his sword. I didn't agree with it because it sounded silly XD
The term 'Mahubi' comes from the words: MAgical HUman BeIng. I know it's supposed to be Mahube, but seriously, Mahubi sounds so much better.
The names of cities/towns in all the regions are often words in different languages, though some are just made-up words, especially in the East Region. Each region has their own theme of words.
- East: Although many are random, some words have to do with green or forests.
- North: Everything related to cold and snow
- Kejsare Island: Kesjare itself means 'emperor' in sweddish.
- West: Things related to darkness.
- South: Sand or warmth.
Have fun using google translations to find out what they all mean! :DI have no idea where the words 'Kitaling, Kadaja, Ounihus' come from because I only wrote these fun facts later. I can only suspect I looked at my keyboard and created a random word. It happens a lot. It's also possible that I combined two words from different languages.
Thanks to Leonie, I let her fall for Shakey in the story. When I described him to her, she said she wanted to end up with him. I thought it would be good to add that.
For some reason, many people are pretty pissed off that I killed Yaten. I don't understand why though... If you share similar feelings, I'm curious for your reasons so feel free to comment!
The word 'Sprinta' is a collaboration of my favourite sodas 'Sprite' and 'Fanta'.
Atrap is a collaboration between the beers 'Stella Artrois' and 'Trappist'
Eyolf is Norwegian for 'Lucky Wolf'
I really liked writing Jaël! She's the kind of hyper person with many random stories and enthusiastic remarks. The part where she says she has candles was really random. I have no clue why I even added it . In real life, she doesn't eat that much (I eat more than she does), but eh, it's my story and I thought it would be fun to do that!
Jaël takes out a screwdriver and unscrews the screws. -> I laughed so hard writing that sentence. It's almost like a tongue twister.
I really wanted Jolyne to see a birth take place. I don't think girls around the age 11 are that familiar or interested with birth, especially if they're the youngest. I mean, I wasn't. They taught me about it on school. I don't remember ever asking my mom "where babies come from".
Actually, I was planning on letting Warren like Jolyne as well. So she'd have 3 people who like her a lot. However, I wanted someone for Leonie and I was debating between Wyatt and Warren. I chose for Warren in the end.
It doesn't really matter how you pronounce Pjay's name. You can decide to say it like: 'peejay' or 'pujay'. I use the latter version.
Flakchoc is something I created of the dessert Choco Flakes. You make it by covering plain cornflakes with liquid chocolate and just let it solidify in the fridge. However, the dish is a little bit different in the story. Plus, there's not that much chocolate on it.
I never skied or snowboarded in my life before, so I got all my information from internet and friends who have done it in real life.
I let the real Tessa decide how big she wanted her army, though I didn't accept a ridiculous amount either. I told her she could choose a random number and that it didn't have to be a nice one like 800 or something.
I really enjoyed writing the battle of Tessa vs Rodian. We were having people rebuilt a part of our house, so we were living in an apartment for a few months. I went back home every evening to access internet since there was none at the apartment, except for Tuesday's since I got home late and it wasn't worth the trip. So instead, I wrote. There was this thick wooden stick, about the height of a broom, we used at the apartment to open the windows on top of the sloping roof. I used that stick to imagine the sword battles in front of me. It was fun to do so!
Originally, I was planning on letting Tessa and the rebels win the battle. However, I thought that I often let things go according to my character's plans, so instead, they lost. I think it's good to allow bad things to happen from time to time.
I googled some tips on how to use a sword. I don't use any swords in real life XD
I know that Rising Moon has some pretty comic relief moments after the gang meets up again. I guess I wanted to put some comedy in it before it got all serious again. The reason I picked pudding as the prize for the games was because I really like that word (If you have watched Fairly Odd Parents, it will make sense)
I have no experience on building shelters in a forest, so I used the faithful google to help me.
The name Woft comes from a conversation I had with a friend. Back when MSN existed, we used many emoticons and one of the combinations was called 'wift', but one of us had a typo and said 'woft' instead. I really liked the word, so I decided to use it as a name.
I've never seen a person have a hangover in real life, so I wrote it based on what I've seen on tv in series and movies. I thought it would be fun to give someone a dream about our real world. I was planning on giving it to Jolyne, but Tessa worked out better.
I really liked writing out Jolyne's/Lenna's past! I had it in mind since the beginning of the story and I eagerly awaited the moment I'd reach it. If I write a page or two at once, it's a lot, but then I wrote a lot XD
I wasn't sure how I'd let the end battle end. I was debating on letting everyone go to the city and have the battle take place there like what happened in my dream. I don't know why I decided not to. I was also thinking of having Jolyne and Damian fight in their other forms, but I picked a battle between the two men who love Jolyne. I wrote the alternate ending later.
I got the part of Shakey forgetting his bridal bouquet from friends. I asked several people about their weddings, to get more insight about it. I really laughed when they told me so I decided to use it.
While writing the opening dance, I was listening to Moonlight from Yiruma on repeat.
I named their daughter Amina because she was a friend at school. The cat she got is called Nico because we had an English teacher who was really random. For some reason, we imagined him dancing to the nyan cat song. So from that point on, we called him Nico Neko (Neko = Japanese for cat).
The Moon Series Extra (Background stories + alternate ending + fun facts)
FantasyHopefully you've read the entire trilogy before getting started on this. In case you haven't, here's a link to book 1: This is just meant for giving extra information...