the god damned door

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Hey guys! I know I promised I would be updating more and I had every intention on doing so. Life just got the best of me and I let those around me affect me in a way that gave me doubt that I was capable of doing anything great or amounting to anything. In doing that they convinced me without straightforward saying it that this book was a lost cause and couldn't be any good. I considered un-publishing it. I felt like anything I did was terrible. I realized that if it was terrible I wouldn't have loyal readers like you guys. I would look at this every few days and have hundreds of new votes and comments. I want to say don't let people convince you that your not good enough because you are. you are amazing and you are you. I promise that each and every one of you will achieve greatness. This time when I say It I hope that I don't break my promise. I'm going to start updating more. Soo now that I'm done droning on read this next chapter. I have many ideas for this book and I think I have a straight forward path for it to go down.
3 weeks after that night
Oh my god! Oh my god! The pounding in my head and I think I've gone mad already. There is no possible way that I can be pregnant. Me and Tobias havnt even talked since that night. Believe me I want to talk to him but he doesn't want to talk to me. He won't answer my calls and when I see him he looks aways and acts as if I'm not even there. I don't know what I did to deserve this isolation. It's like I'm dead and he just keeps seeing right past me. I've taken one test and I don't know if I have the will to take another one. What if it's positive? What if it's negative? My head says yes and my heart says no. As crazy as it is and I would never admit it out loud but a baby would be a good thing right now. It would at least make Tobias talk to me. I know it's a terrible reason to want this but I literally have not made contact with anyone in a week. That was the last time I went anywhere was a week ago and my "contact" was ordering a smoothie. I know as broken as I am I can't be a good mother right now but it would at least give me a reason to live. In the end I needed to know if this was real so I took another test and another for good measure and it left me totally confused with out any answer. The second said no. The third said yes. I don't know what to do. In most cases of uncertainty you go with the majority answer. But not with something as big as this. Determining whether I'm pregnant can't be a wild guess. I don't know whether to tell Four immediately or to wait until I have a more clear answer. I don't know how I'm going to tell Four period. I decided to go to the health clinic and get a test done by a certified doctor.

After seeing the doctor I decided to pay a visit to Four. He doesn't get to knock me up then ignore me. No way. I tapped on his door and waited for him to answer but he never did. I did however see a shuffling in the window as if someone was trying to stealthily see who was here. Between the window peak and the fact that his car was here I knew he was home. "Four open the god damned door and quit being a child." (wording intended I'm pregnant not boring ) "I have something I need to tell you." After a moment of silence I heard shuffling right behind the door then it opened and a cold yet worrisome face appeared. "Uh hi Tris. What uh...what are you doing here?" He looked like he would have given anything to be anywhere except where he was standing. I don't know what I did to him but he better get over it. I'm not reading to co parent let alone be a single mom. "I told you I needed to talk to you and you haven't exactly been available in the passing." I said trying to sound as calm as possible given the news I was about to deliver. "Oh well I've been busy lately and uh..." He started to make an explanation that I didn't care to hear so I cut him off. "Four you don't have to explain yourself to me I was merely stating an observation. May I come inside?" "Oh yeah."

We walked in but I didn't go to the couch like normal. The couch got us into this mess. I went to the dining room table and sat in one of the tall chairs. " said you had something you wanted to talk to me about?" Four said breaking a moment of awkward silence and looking away to avoid meeting each others eyes. "Yeah I did... I mean I do. That's why I'm here." Already the words are getting caught in my throat. The confidence I strutted with proudly is now gone and left behind was the realization sinking in of what I had to say. The realization of what was going to happen. Just thinking about it was enough to make me tear up. "Tris where are you?" Four asked looking at me intently snapping me out of my thoughts. "What do you mean where am I? I'm sitting right in front of you." I said tears being replaced with the evident confusion on my face. "Yes Tris I know where you are physically." Four said with an exasperated look on his face as if he was explain something to a child for the millionth time.   "What I meant was where are you mentally. What are you thinking about?" This is it. I have to tell him.

"Four I have to tell you something but you better keep your cool." I said looking at him sternly. "Okay Tris just say whatever you need to say." I took a deep breath. Here goes nothing. "Four...I'm pregnant. And you are the father." 


Hey one more thing. I wanna do a new cover so if your interested in making me one for a shout it I need: a picture to go with the story, the title (Trust is Earned), and my user name. Thanks guys. You can email that to

Trust is earned.   (Dedicated to radicalshailene)Where stories live. Discover now