First Date

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Time laps to Saturday. Tris's pov

Im sitting in my toilet seat like i have been for the last hour. Christina invited herself over because Four told her where he was taking me. She insisted that since she knew where i was going she had to do my hair and makeup because i would do it wrong. So here i am having stuff smeared on my face and my hair yanked in every direction.
When i look in the mirror i dont even recognize the person i see. She is beautiful. I mean im pretty but this girl is drop dead gorgeous. My hair is curled. My eyes even bigger than normal thanks to Christina's big eye mascara. I have nude lipstick and light pink eyeshadow. My dress is pink with flowers on it. It has spaghetti straps and it stops just before my knees. My wedges like my lips are nude.
Christina squeals and hugs me gently avoiding my curls. "You look beautiful." Christina compliments me. "Thanks to you." I tell her. Just then i hear a ring from the door and i feel my heart about jump out if my chest. I feel like i might start hyperventilating. But this is ridiculous. Behind that door is the man i love not just some high school crush. Its crazy how two weeks ago i thought he was the most annoying egoistic jerk i had ever met. But now i see that he is the most caring person i had ever met. "Aw thanks baby but your way more caring and sweet than i could ever dream to be." I turn around and there he is at the door way. Damn that talking out loud is gonna be the death of me. "Though i am a little hurt you thought if me as an egoistic jerk." He says with a hand over his heart his voice filled with mock hurt. "Well you did kind of act like one." "Dont make me come over there." He threatens. "By the way you look so sexy. "Four!" "What? All i said was you look sexy." " i do not like being called sexy." "Oh im very sorry. You are the most beautiful thing in the planet. You smell better than any flower out there and you are sweeter than any brand if sugar."
By now i think im gonna cry. This is the sweetest thing that anyone has ever said to me. "Four i dont know what to say." "How about thank you my handsome boyfriend. You are the sweetest most good looking man in the planet? Or you know something like that." We both crack up laughing.
He offers me his arm like they do in movies. As he leads me out the stairs and even buckles me in the car my mind is still working hard in trying to figure out where we're going. "So, will you tell me where we're going now?" "Nope." He says popping the p. "Nice try tho A for effort." He says teasing me. "Haha your so funny." I say in mock humor.
We drove for a little while in silence and when we turned of the road onto a little dirt path i got really curious. "How far away are we?" I ask impatient. "We're here." I look and see where we are. A flowery meadow with a table in the middle. On the table was two candles and the table was set for two. Four reached in the back and pulled a picnic basket out of the backseat. He told me to wait in the car and he came over to my side and let me out.
He set the food on the table and pulled my chair out for me to sit. "Such a gentleman you are." "When i wanna be." He replies with a smile on his face. During dinner we talk about everything under the sun. Everything except the thing i cant stand to to tell him yet though i know i need to.
After we finish a beautiful steak dinner and red velvet cake for dessert he lays a blanket and we just watch the stars. I decide theres no time like now to talk to him. Im worried though. What if he doesnt like me after i tell him what happened. (Same convo rules)
Four theres some things i wanna talk to you about.
Of course you can tell me anything.
Well its my past i wanna talk to you about but you have to promise me something.
Tris i know your past. We have known each other since like kindergarten.
There are things that happened i have never told anyone. I have told Christina some but not all. But i want to tell you.
Go ahead baby.
Well to start both my parent are no longer with me.
What happened?
When i was a baby they were big onto drugs. One night my parents were high snd my father "accidentally" killed my mom while they were playing around with a gun. The next day he killed himself out of guilt.
How do you know this?
He left a letter for me and my brother and also a picture if me, my brother, and my parents. They even looked stoned in the picture.
Im so sorry. Where did you go?
My Aunt and uncle took us in. Those were the people you all met as my parents. They didnt really want us but they took us anyways. They started to beat me over every little mistake i made. If i cut my finger i got whipped for being careless. So when we were sixteen me and Caleb fled and thats when we moved in next store to you. I had a job but lost it the day after your party.
Of my god. Babe I'm so sorry. I had no idea you went through all of that. I wish i could have been there to kick your uncles ass.
Don't apologize. You couldn't have been there then. But you are here now and your going to take care of me and protect me now so thats all that matters.
Your right i am here to protect you and that is what i will always do. But you told me your back story so i think its only fair that now i tell you mine.
Yes honey. You can tell me anything.
                    TO BE CONTINUED

hey yall its me! Just wanted to say thanks for all your love and support. Haha yall have to wait to here from Tobias oops i means uhhh Four yeah thats what I meant. Remember also the contest to make a character. K gtg to sleep now. Luv yall 😍 😘

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