Star Trek Voyager: Bonds of Love, Ties of Family

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A/n: Hi, here I am with another new fic! This one will probably only be two or three chapters long though.

Earth really was a beautiful planet, unusually so. With lush green landmasses comfortably settled on sapphire blue seas capped with two sparkling white poles, not to mention the pastel coloured clouds that made up the atmosphere; it was an enviable home. Seven was fully aware of that as she stared down at it from the viewport at which she sat, she should, logically, be very glad to be here; but yet, as she was faced undeniably with Voyager’s destination, she was more overwhelmed with fear than she ever had been on any planet in the Delta Quadrant, or even on a Borg Cube. She shivered as she felt the ship start to move into lower orbit, it wouldn’t be long now… Her frown deepened unconsciously at the thought and she pulled the robe she was wearing even tighter around herself before leaning against the bulkhead with a resigned sigh.

Another sigh echoed hers, although this one was heavy with the contentment of a peaceful sleep, before it was followed by a groan of wakefulness. The perpetrator of these sounds, Chakotay, for now still First Officer of Voyager, rolled over in his bed, his dark eyes blinking confusedly open when he realised he was alone. “Seven…” He mumbled in a disgruntled tone into his pillow, as if that would make her spontaneously return to her. His ears pricked up when he heard a tiny giggle from nearby, but it soon transformed into a small sigh that got his attention enough to make him sit him. He was surprised, but relieved, to see her watching him from the window seat at the viewport, comfortably wrapped in his bathrobe but otherwise tense as her gaze flickered from him, out the window, then back again. “What are you doing honey? Why don’t you come back to bed, hmm?”

Seven blushed bright pink like a love-struck schoolgirl for a moment, a smile tugging shyly at her lips at his affectionate tone, but as she glanced back out of the window, seriousness prevailed. “The ship is now in Earth’s orbit.” She stated quietly.

The flash of immediate understanding that flew across Chakotay’s face warmed Seven’s heart, when had they became so in tune? She couldn’t remember, it was hard to think back to the days when she had been indifferent to him. “Really?” he asked as he climbed out of bed and approached her, “When did we arrive?”

“While you were sleeping.” Seven reminded him with a teasing glint in her eye. “Remember, the comm. system alerted us to the approach but you said to ignore it.”

“I had my mind on better things…” He replied flirtatiously as they came together for a soft kiss. He then settled behind her on the window seat and curved his arms loosely around her slender waist as she leaned back against his bare chest with a relaxed sigh of pleasure. After a few minutes of comfortable silence, Chakotay, having noted the pinched look of anxiety in Seven’s eyes, asked, “What’s got you worried Seven?”

Seven bit her lip. “I find myself unable to anticipate what is to come…” She trailed off, gulping hard as her eyes fixated on the planet below, “I don’t know what’s going to happen to me…”

“Listen…” Chakotay began softly as he gently turned her body to fully face his. “It’s okay to be scared, no one likes change…”

“Especially not me.” Seven pointed out tightly.

“I know.” Chakotay agreed with a fond smile and a squeeze of her hands. “But we discussed a little remember? Starfleet will debrief you, then you’ll get a good position somewhere, and I’ll be within transporter range always.” He smiled widely at the thought, “That sounds good doesn’t it?”

“Yes…” Seven agreed, her voice thick with unspoken emotion as she gazed down at their intertwined hands, her metal scarred, unworldly pale hands clasped in his strong tanned ones. They were so different, why did he want her? That last thought made the tears she’d been holding back for hours begin to flow, “What if Starfleet decide I’m a security risk? What if their doctors decide to study my physiology further?” She saw him shaking his head vigorously as she paused for breath but continued on anyway, “What if…I’m unacceptable and that affects your prospects?” she choked out desperately, “You shouldn’t…”

“Seven!” Chakotay grabbed her shoulders to stop her, his chocolate eyes gazing intensely into hers. “I think we’ve already had this conversation, we live and love for the present, and we’ll face the future together when it comes.” He didn’t think it strange that they were a we, an us, after what would normally be considered very short period, it was natural and he had feeling it always would be, whether their first kiss was five days ago or five decades ago. He smiled in relief as she hugged him tightly in reply and said over her shoulder, “And when have I ever cared about what Starfleet thinks anyway?”

Seven laughed weakly, “Never.” She agreed into his shoulder before kissing him gently, “I love you.” She whispered as she pulled back, almost as nervous, but just as sincere, as the first time she’d told him, just days ago.

Chakotay hoped he never lose the thrill of hearing that he’d first experienced after that heated argument in Astrometrics and was still relieved to hear now. “I love you too Seven of Nine.” They both beamed uncontrollably at each other and with barely a thought Chakotay picked her up, bridal style, and carried her back to the bed

“It seems that everyone has family members already awaiting their arrival in San Francisco…” Seven mused as they lay together peacefully sometime later.

“Yeah well, they’ve been waiting years for this…” Chakotay acknowledged, looking at her curiously, “You could ask your aunt couldn’t you? I thought you were getting on well during your comm. conversations?”

“Irene Hansen? Oh yes, we are on good terms. She assured me that she wants to see me as soon as she’s back, when she got word of Voyager’s arrival she was on Deep Space 4 visiting her eldest son. She said she will be back within three days though, she also gave me permission to stay in her house if I wished until she got back. Apparently, the key is “under the gnome”, whatever that is.”

Chakotay chuckled, “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you… Are you going to take her up on it?”

Seven shook her head. “No, I doubt I would feel comfortable. I will probably stay here until Starfleet decides how to proceed with me.”

Chakotay grimaced. “I’ve got a better idea, why don’t I take you sightseeing? We could get a room in a little hotel and I could show you around San Francisco at least…”

“I’d like that, but don’t you want to see your friends and family first? Your sister? Your cousin? I think they’d prefer to see you alone after so long…”

I don’t want to be alone.” Chakotay corrected her, even if there was a full scale Kotay family reunion he wasn’t abandoning Seven on an empty Voyager. “And anyway, my cousin is off-world at the moment…”

“What about Sekaya, your sister?” Seven pressed. She didn’t want him to prioritise her over his immediate family; that would start any relations she may have with them on a bad note.

“I doubt she’ll come right away, I’ll probably go and see her at some point…” Chakotay sighed when he read her bemused expression, “We didn’t exactly part on good terms when I left to join the Maquis, and I haven’t even met her husband; that will be awkward. She has a little boy now too, I haven’t met him either, he was born after Voyager was stranded.”

Seven looked at him thoughtfully, “Are your old disagreements still relevant after so long apart?” she asked carefully.

“You’re right, they’re definitely not. Seven years in the Delta Quadrant should have taught me to let bygones be bygones huh?”

Seven smiled, “You tried to dispatch me from an airlock four years ago and look where we are now.”

Chakotay laughed. “Point taken!”

Their conversation was prevented from continuing by the Captain’s eager voice echoing through the comm. system. “Will all crew members please report to the Mess Hall to prepare for disembarkation to Earth?”

“We’ve been here later than I thought…” Chakotay muttered as he began to get out of bed once again.

“Yes…” Seven said falteringly, sighing when she caught his concerned glance and holding up her crumpled biosuit cast off the night before. “Biosuits aren’t appropriate attire for Earth are they?” she asked worriedly.

Chakotay shook his head gently and kissed her as he squeezed her shoulder supportively, “I’ll get you some replicator rations for a dress.” He assured her as they hurriedly prepared to uproot their lives.

A/n: PLEASE REVIEW! :D I really hope you like it so far!

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