Why do I keep calling myself that? I don't know,I do know that my life is non understandable. If you really think you know me You would have told me,because I like people being self explanatory. I had a weird dream once(like I do all the time)about a black tornado surrounded by helicopters just swirling around it,pretty weird huh? I liked it though! It's just that you readers don't get it,no one does to be honest. I figured out how to stop time(Just freeze atoms with a cryogenic generator). I'm smarter than you think,really I am. Like I said my intelligence appears out of nowhere, you know what's weird? I Google random images and store them in my head,I also trap in facts and figures through RTS games(look it up)and keep them forever. You don't know how it feels,its like all the emotions at once with a mix of wanting to tell everyone everything I know thus resulting in a verbal silence. If I'm quite you'll understand why,I want to share my thoughts of others. This little depressing bubble of mixed feeling is named Kodamka...ring a bell? It should have.