goin to the bar

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I have been living in this apartment for at least three years and now some new ass hole named bruce is coming from California. but he is goin to get here in a couple weeks so time to kick ass and take names. 

i take my phone out and call up my girl. the phone is ringing........still ringing..........i here her voice.

"hello" i smile and start talking

" aye you should bring your sexy ass body over here and have some kinky ass sex". 

i wait for a responds and there is nothing coming from her side of the phone then she finally says some thing. 

"sure i will be there by seven pm".

 "all right then see ya sexy" 

i hang up the phone and look at my gshock. the time is twelve pm. "FFFFUUUUCCCKKK that is in a long time". 

so i decide to go to a bar. "BEER RUN!!!" I yell running  to my kick ass mustang. I open my cars door and sit down in her kick ass leather seat. i rub my hands on her steering wheel. i whisper to her steering wheel. " do you want papa to turn you on...........I know you do." i start the car and floor it ti the closest bar. On the way there i see a hot ass white girl. i know i am in a relation ship but fuck it she wont find out i hope. i drive up to her and step out of the car. i tell her " um girl yo style is dope and it is my first date here" she looks at my hole body and says " you want to fuck????" i put my hand around her and say yaaaa girl get in the car. rule one of my life be direct to a girlfriend lie a little bit cause you want to get a quick bang and leave. twenty five minuets later i told her to  go and i drive away. i look at my watch and now it is twelve thirty. " time for the mother fuckin bar. I press the gas pedal all of the way down and i am off to go and PARTY!!!!!!!! once i got about four blocks away from the bar i parked my car and walked the rest of the way. on the way there a group of thugs came from an ally and stood in front of me i took out my flask and told them "aye i would move if i were you cause I'm in a hurry." the main guy took my flask and through it in to a garbed can. as i saw it fly through the air. as i looked at it i got angry and angrier. till i went in to a fully out rage to kill them. i see the men walking away. i look up at them and yell out a war cry. the main guy turns around and sees me sprinting towards them. the main guy trys to grab his gun form the holster. but it was too late. i punched him in the face. blood flewout of his mouth. as he fell to his knees i kicked him in his gut. the man went falling tothe ground. i look and see tow of his guys running at me. i turn around and punch one of them right under the jaw. i see the second guy trying to get one punch in on me. i elbow the second guy and a tooth flys out of his mouth. i roll over the second guys back and take his gun. i shoot the tow of them in the chest once each. the men fall down.dead. i drop the gun and walk towards the flask pick it up and keep walking to the bar.      

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