Mexico/Dubstep Time

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"mister wake up.............mister...........MISTER!!!" i feel a hand slapmy face. i open my eyes a little bit and it is blury. i blink twice and i can see a sgin it says welcome to mexico. i sit up and look to my side i see a hot ass mexican chick. i look and se that she is on her knees. i look further up and see her stomach i look higher up and OH MY FUCKING GOD HER TITTYS ARE GIANT. i stand stright up and help her up. i ask her where she lives and if i can stay with her for a little bit. she said yes and i got dat girls number. i told her that i am goin to look around the city for a bit and waked off.

after about one hour i saw the little city and as i walked by a restaurant i heard a cat. i looked at an ally and saw an adorable little midget cat. i picked him up and said. " where is yo owner........u don't have one well i will be your master.........i will call you Kitty amazing." i picked up kitty amazing and started to yell GATO GATO GATO!!!! I found some sun glasses on the floor and put them on Kitty amazing. after about three hours i saw the girl in a car telling me that it is time to go. i give her the thumbs up and put on a pair of sun glasses on and ran over to her.  

               about a month later i have peach fuzz all over my face and sell stolen parts to people. after a while i go out in to the city and i look at a wanted poster and think to my self about who is on the poster for a bit and recognize that i look like this guy they call deablo roja and he is waited for five hundred thousand. i shrug my shoulders and go to one of my buyers place. i kick down the door and yell i am deablo roja fuckers!! they all look at me in shock. i think they think i am actually deablo rajo. i make them give me an awesome car and they do. they gave me a custom made speed racing car. i take the keys and put kitty amazing in shot gun and floor it back to America. on the way back we got pulled over by Mexican police. i looked at there cars and yelled. "AMERICA!!!' and floored it all the way across the border.  

once i got back to America i went straight home and watched me some mother fuckin futurerama. after about two hours i looked at my phone and i had a reminder on the screen. i read it and my eyes opened up as wide as an owls eyes i jumped off of the couch and looked at kitty amazing and said. "it is MOTHER FUCKIN DUBSTEP TIME!!!" i watch kitty amazing drink his vodka out of his Kitty bowl. i kicked down my door (literally)  and ran to my awesome new car, floored it to my club that i owned, and kicked down that door to. " wazz up ass holes." i walked past the people in the privet section of my club and went to my djing station  and played one of my favorite songs called dubstep not for humans by oNienRXD. (search up plz if u like dubstep.) once i was done i went up stairs to my office. when i opened the door i saw a guy in my chair. i looked at him and laughed a bit cause i knew who he was. he was my older bro. deontay. i looked at the safe right next to the picture of me and lebron James from last year. i open the safe and in side is a pair of gloves that play kick ass fighting music and shocks the person your are punching it is sort of like a week teaser. i put them on and asked him " why are you here i told you to get lostcause u beet up women." my brother lauged and turned around. i stumbled back words cause he looked like he had been skind, burnd cut and shot on half of his face and the other half was fine. " cant a brother come and try to kill his other bro to keep his parents safe." said deontay as he stood up and charged at me. i punced my bro six times in the face and he was out cold. istood over him and said. "suck it up butter cup."

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