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I rub my eyes to clear the vision. Get up in a sitting position cause the damp towel drop on my lap.  Damnit! How can I fell asleep? I heave a sigh.

"arhh~ I'm hungry..."

Weakly I hop from the bed. Heading out from the room soulless.

"eo?" I blink when i saw there's a paper under the plate.

It's wrote 'take your medicine when you woke up. Stop eating fast food. It's not good for your health.'

I smiles mischievously. She still careee~~~ >///<

I eat the chicken with a big smiles firmly etched on my face.


"Good job for today, Juhee" ajumma patted my shoulder while create a warm smiles. I giggled playfully.

"ermm... ajumma"

She looked at me with a big question mark on her face.

"I decide to live with my grandma at busan...so.. I think I want to quit" I said in a guilty expression. Her face change with my words.

It's a long silent before she speak, "alright Juhee. Don't worry. I can find someone to replace you. But, if you comeback and need a work, just tell me. I will surely take you back" she gave me a thin smiles. My eyes was pool with tears. She such a nice person.

I hug her.

"Thanks ajumma.. thank you so much" my tears fell down eventho I tried to hold it.

"You're welcome," she chuckled a little. I broke the hugged while wipe the tears away.

"So, when you will go to busan?" She queried.

"This friday" i shortly said.

"eo? That's mean 2 days left before you leave?" She pouting. I slightly laugh by her behavior.

"Yes...take care of yourself ajumma.. don't worry, i will visit you" I hug her for a last time. She hug me back. Tightly.

I'm gonna miss everything in here... smell, foods, people, and...... him.


As usual, I woke up early morning even though I already quit from working at chicken shop.

I walk to sujong's room. Twist the door gently. I heave a sigh. Lately I kept dreaming about sujong but whenever I woke up, I can't remember what is a dreamt about. It's strange. Maybe because I really miss him..

I touch his desk, chair, bed and everything in his room. I begin to collect his things, then, put it on a box. His pictures, diary, and a his favorite things.

My eyes stick to one picture of him who was smiling widely and me beside him pulling both of his ears. I miss that moment. Without my concern, a droplet of water fell on the picture. Hastily I wipe my tears.

"Let's meet grandma.." I ruffles his picture lovingly before put it on the box carefully.

After done packing his stuff, I went out to take some fresh air. Well, since I keep remember about him once I touch his stuffs. It's such a tough thing to do.

"Good morning, my dear~~~"

A loud voice cause me to suprised. Immediately I turned around. My mouth agape when I saw taewoo who was standing not too far from me. How I know it's taewoo? Simple. I noticed Taehyung always wear a branded watch at his right hand meanwhile taewoo has nothing. Sometimes I wonder if he really from Kim's family since he looks like a commoners.

"Hi~~~" he waved in front of my face makes me return into a real world.

"What do you want from me?" I asked coldly. He grin widely.

"Obviously I want you hehehe" I'm making a disgust face by his words. He's so annoying.

"Sorry, I'm not for sale" I said.

"Oh really! Can I rent you?" He innocently spoke.

"YAH!" I shout in resentment. He laugh. I heave a sigh.

"Okay okay, I'm sorry...I just want to meet you" he bluntly told. I'm a bit gasped.

"W-why?" I stammered.

"I don't know... maybe because I miss to hear your shouting and yelling" he smiles cutely.

"Hmm~let's go" suddenly he pulled my wrist cause me to blink in confusion

"Where are we going?" I asked while he still holding my hand.

"Walk..." he answer with a smiles.

I eyeing him. I don't know what in my mind but I want to freeze this moment. I feels ease.

"Juhee, I'm sorry for everything" out of blue he uttered without looking at me. We both keep walking.

"....." i remain silent.

"...sorry for letting your tears fell down. I'm sorry for not answering your called when you wanted to told me about sujong's death. I'm sorry for giving you a hard time. I'm sorry for hurting you with my act. I'm sorry for leaving you when you need me. I'm sorry when you cried, i was not there to comfort you. I'm sorry for ignoring you. I'm sorry for all the lies. I'm sorry for being cruel towards you. I'm sorry...I'm truly sorry, Im Juhee" he stop walking. Facing me revealing my face that already wet by tears. Gently he pulled me into his embraced.

"I'm sorry for being an idiot..." he said while tighten the hug. I wouldn't be able to speak since my emotions control myself. I cried silently.

Did my decision to go to busan is right? I'm in dilemma.

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