Chapter 1

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Louis POV

"Hahaha, well this has been a great date Eleanor,thanks."

"Oh it was nothing.But before you leave,when do you think we should tell the boys about us?"

"Give it a while.We'll keep going on dates and they'll wonder why were hanging out so much and then when we tell them it will click together."

"Perfect,so do you want to hang out tomorrow too?"

"Sure love."

Harry POV

I wake up to a quiet house. Louis' probably gone,especially after what I did to him last night.But it's not my fault,I just haven;t been so sure about my feelings lately.I think I like him but only as a friend......right? Having nothing else to do I decide to go to Starbucks.As I drive there I can't stop thinking about Louis.I heard him crying last night,but I just couldn't explain why I acted that way.Seeing his gorgeous eyes ......I mean eyes full of tears just would have been too hard.I have to promise myself that I'll never do that to Louis again, no matter what my feelings are.

Louis POV

"Alright El,do you want me to take you home?"

"Yea,just give me a second.I gotta go to the bathroom."

As Eleanor walks off I hear a voice say my name.

"Louis?" Harry says as he walks closer to me. "Oh it's you."

"What are you doing here Boo bear?"

"Not that it's any of your business,but I'm having coffee with a friend."

'Oh"Harry says as I see his face fall.

"Oh,hi you must be Harry!" Eleanor says as she walks up to stand beside me with her arm on my shoulder ."I'm Eleanor."

"Alright that's enough chit-chat.I've got to take El home."And with that I walk out with Eleanor's arm linked with mine.

Harry POV

I don't like Eleanor one bit. First off she's wayyyyy too clingy.I mean who does she think she is doing that with my Boo Bear.Uh....I mean Louis.And another thing why didn't Louis tell me he was out with her.I feel like he's hiding something,and I'm going to figure out what.

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