Chapter 4

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Harry POV

As I flutter my eyes open, a roll of nausea hits me. I try to sit up, but my head is pounding too hard. This is definitely the worst hangover I’ve ever had. I try to recall what happened last night, but all I remember is going home with someone. Someone who had dark eyes and hair, with a perfectly chiseled jaw, and a fit body if I might add. Funny that all sounds like ….. like Zayn. No I didn’t, I –I couldn’t have. Was I really that drunk? The memories of last night flooded through me. Louis and I fighting, me storming out and going to a club. Zayn taking me to his place and……. no, no, no this couldn’t be happening. I need to talk to Louis. After I finally manage to sit up I find aspirin and water along with a note from Louis saying;


  Went out with El, be back in a little bit.

                                                                -Louis xxxxx

Of course he was with her, he’s always with her. It’s like he doesn’t even care about me anymore. I mean if he can’t even stay when I have a major hangover then he obviously doesn’t care. I feel tears start to brim my eyes. Before I knew it I was full on sobbing. God why does my life suck? I reached out and grabbed the aspirin bottle, still not thinking very clearly. I took a few or maybe more who really cares at this point. I make my way to my door then start walking down the stairs, tears still streaming down my face. My vision started to get fuzzy as I walked down the steps. I trip and next thing I know, I’m tumbling down the stairs. And then everything went black.

Zayn POV

I get to Louis and Harry’s flat, and knock on the door. No one answers so I unlock the door and walk in. I yell Harry’s name, but there’s no answer. I turn to go up the stairs, but there’s a body blocking me. Harry’s unconscious body with blood pooling around him.

“Harry, no answer me. Wake up! Harry please just wake up. Harry wake up!” I yell at him but he still stays there unmoving. I quickly reach for my phone and dial 911.

“Harry please just hold on a little longer. You can’t die on me Harry, you can’t! I hear the door crash open and paramedics come in with a stretcher. They quickly scoop Harry up, and take him to the ambulance. I grab my phone and dial Liam’s number. He says he’ll get the others and meet me there. I jump into my car, and speeds down the road to the hospital. Once I get there I sit in the waiting room and wait for the others.

“Zayn.” Liam says hugging me tightly. “I’m so sorry you had to see that.”

“What exactly happened?” Liam says as he holds Niall, who looks like he’s either going to faint or cry.

“I’m not exactly sure, but it looked like he fell and hit his head. He was probably dizzy after going out clubbing last night.”

“How did you know he went out last night?” Louis says staring at me harshly. It’s like he knows what happened. But he can’t….right?


Suddenly the doctor walked into the room and headed straight towards us.

“Are you the friends of Harry Styles?”

“Uh, yes were his band mates.” Liam says shakily.

“Well boys I’m afraid I have some bad news.”

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