Chapter 6

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Louis POV

Two weeks have passed and Harry still hasn't woken up.The boys are starting to lose hope,but I can't give up. I just can't. Zayn and I haven't spoken since the fight. The boys tell me that he still visits everyday, but I never see him. He probably comes when I'm sleeping just so he won't have to talk to me.I don't mind either way.I spend most of my time thinking about Harry,and when I'm not thinking about him I'm wih him.I stay by his side as much as I can,but management is still making us do tons of interviews about Harry-even though everyone already knows he's in a coma.Not to mention the fact that I also have to be with Eleanor nonstop.El understands that this is a though time, hell she even listens to my ramblings and holds me when I break down after them. El's great, but she's no Harry.

Even after this long I still keep thinking about what Harry said "Why couldn't it have been you?' Why couldn't what be me? What was he talking about? Maybe it was his drunkenness talking, but it didn't sound like that to me.He just seemed so sure about what he was talking about.I've got to figure out what he meant,and there's only one person who would know; Zayn.


When I get to Zayn's flat, I knock on the door but there's no answer.So I grab my keys and unlock it myself. I slowly walk into his flat.I notice right away that it smells strongly of smoke. Zayn always smokes more when he's nervous or upset. I walk up the steps until I get to Zayn's door. I open his door to find him fast asleep on his bed.He looks horrible,his hair is matted and looks like he hasn't shaved in a while.Not to mention he smells like he hasn't taken a shower for a while. I quietly slip out of his room and walk downstairs to the kitchen.I get the kettle and place it on the stove.I then grab 2 coffee mugs and teabags.Once the kettle starts to whistle, I quickly pull it off not wanting to wake Zayn. Then I walk up the steps to Zayn's room again. I set his mug down and sit down while sipping my own.After about 20 min. Zayn starts to stir and then he slowly open his eyes.


Zayn jumps and falls to the floor still tangled in his sheets.

"Louis, jeez you scared the shit out of me.What are you doing here?" Zayn is still tangled in his sheets,struggling to get lose.I wait until he's done to speak again.

"I need to talk to you about Harry."

"What about him?Is he ok?Did he wake up yet?"

"No,no he didn't but, I was hoping to talk to you about something he said to me the night before the accident."

Zayn nodded urging me to continue. I take a deep breath and slowly begin to tell him about they nights events,all the way up to when he came home.

'Well when he came home he was muttering something about making a mistake,and then he said your name.He said that it should have been me. But what should have been me? I don't understand.Do you know what he was talking about?"

"Uh yea,I-I do.Louis I don't know how to tell you this but I slept with Harry."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2013 ⏰

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