Chapter 10

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Bella's P.O.V

I grab my backpack and walk towards the door.

"Where are you going?" I hear a quiet voice ask.

I look to the top of the stars and see Sam.

"I'm just going to the shops to get dad some things," I say holding up the list. Sam made his way down the stairs. He opens the curtain slightly showing off a beautiful moonlit sky.

"Not at this time of night, I'll come with you." He says with a hard face. I sighed and shook my head

"You don't have to I won't be long. I promise." I say as I opened the door and start to walk out.

"Fine, but as soon as you're at the shops message me so I know you got there safe," Sam says. And with that, he makes his way back up the stairs.

I was fully out of the door and I realised how cold it was getting. I walked out of the drive way and turned left then started my long walk to the shops.

Thea's P.O.V

So now it's Friday morning and presently I am sitting in the dining room eating my breakfast which consists of bacon, eggs and toast courtesies of my mother.

Once I've finished I get all I need and head to my car.

Bella has a dentist appointment so she will be getting to school around 4th lesson so I don't have to pick her up this morning.

Tuesday and Thursday night were the nights we had training with Coach Boyle and tonight I have my second one on one training with Andrew.

The 4th lesson comes and goes and Bella shows up looking like a chipmunk.

Needless to say, Asher made fun of her.

Lunch also came and went like a blur. For some reason today is flying past incredibly fast. I just hope after school goes by just as fast.

And just like that the bell to signal the end of the day goes off. I pack up my things and head my locker in the change rooms.

I take out my sports uniform that I placed inside at the beginning of the day and put it on. I also take out my drink bottle full of fresh cold water and make my way to the gym.

I enter through the gym doors and my eyes are set upon a disturbing sight; Andrew and Bethany getting all hot and sweaty. Ps. they aren't playing a sport.

"Could you two maybe take it outside?" I ask still standing at the door to the gym.

With my remark, Andrew springs up and gives me a guilty look. Bethany huffs and starts to buttons her shirt up.

She gives Andrew one last longing kiss and then starts walking towards me swaying her hips like her life depended on it.

She's about to walk past me when I notice a mark on her neck.

"Bethany, you um, you got something here," I say pointing to the side of my neck.

She smiles and looks back at Andrew. "Umm, that's a bruise." She says looking smug.

"I don't think that your dad, Father David, would appreciate his daughter having a hickey on her neck," I say in a bitchy tone.

"It's not, I told you it's a bruise." She says looking back at Andrew again and smiling.

"Do I look stupid to you?" I ask her putting my hand on my hip.

"Well, ah, umm I don't really know if you want me to answer that question." She says chuckling. Andrew also chuckles. Fine if that's how you want to play.

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