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Oreshi/Akashi: Refers to everyone by their last name and refers himself with the 'ore' pronoun. Shoujo prince who can literally pleasure people with his godlike passes.

Bokushi/Seijuurou: Refers to everyone by their first name and refers himself with the 'boku' pronoun. Mr. 'I Am Absolute' with a 'kinda fucking scary' scissors fetish.


Oreshi-niichan & Bokushi-niichan

P r o l o g u e


Kuroko Akashi and Kuroko Seijuurou, the adopted twins of the Kuroko family, were two sides of the same coin.

Both were equally hot - being twins after all (though Bokushi could argue that he was the hotter twin) - with endless intellectual potential and delightful athlete bodies. Everyone who met them thought they were the genetically perfect human beings.


Did you expect me to say 'how wrong they all were'?

Of course not. They were the Kuroko twins. They were fucking flawless.


Speaking of flawless.

Akashi, the older twin aka 'Oreshi-niichan', had purely crimson-red eyes. Stunning and brilliant was what people liked to describe his eyes. You could stare at them all day and just get swallowed up whole. They were the most alluring pair of red-colored eyes anyone could've everseen. Oreshi didn't act like it, but he was secretly proud of his 'beautiful red eyes' for some uncharacteristic reason.

Oreshi was also unrealistically good with people, especially girls, and knew how to 'manipulate' them in a way that didn't even seem like he was asking them of anything. For that, everybody liked to call him the 'Shoujo Prince-sama of Teikou Middle'.


Not to his face, of course.


And like the typical teenager he was, he wore loose but practical clothing. Slightly big, collarless shirts, tank tops, comfortable-looking jackets and shorts. Overall, he preferred clothes that he could move around in easily, and had a minor attachment to his basketball gear. Okay, maybe not 'minor'. Bokushi sometimes caught him sniffing his Teikou uniform from the laundry basket or cuddling his basketball in the middle of the night. Their younger brother called his quirk 'cute'. Bokushi called it 'fucking ass creepy bro like wtf'.


Speaking of Bokushi.

Seijuurou, aka 'Bokushi-is-hotter-than-Oreshi'-niichan, had the weirdest fucking eye colours ever. A crimson-red right eye and an ash-gold left eye. Like. What. In. The. Actual. Fuck.

And yet every freaking straight girl or gay guy and what-the-fuck ever would purposely fall to their knees just to get eye-raped by Bokushi's stunningly exotic eyes (Oreshi asked him whether he was abusing Emperor Eye for this reason. Bokushi denied it). And unlike Oreshi, Bokushi took visible, fucking pride in his eyes. Like, 'my eyes can make people fall before me goddammit of course I'm going to abuse this like crack'. Even without his Emperor Eye activated, crowds would part before him in the hallways. This applied to Oreshi as well, but they parted before Oreshi out of awe and admiration (probably from that 'bishounen effect' or some bullshit like that). Crowds parted before Bokushi because he gave off this aura that screamed 'get the hell out of my way or I will impale your eyeballs with my trusty red scissors now MOVE'.

Yeah, Bokushi was fucking scary.

And yes, Bokushi went way too overboard with his taste in clothing.

Unlike simple, practical and natural Oreshi, whatever Bokushi wore had to make him look downright sexy.

Screw those cheap tops and unglamorous shirts and khaki shorts!

Bokushi went all-out with the classy work suits and fashionable, dress shirts and pants. Expensive, form-fitting jeans that showed off his fine ass. Fancy winter jackets and sleek thigh-high boots with heels.

He even got a cartilage piercing in his left ear, just to show that he meant business. Their younger brother called him ridiculous. Oreshi had locked himself up in the spare closet for two weeks out of depression when he realized that people actually started flocking to Bokushi the minute he got that freaking piercing.


Speaking of their younger brother.

Kuroko Tetsuya. The actual Kuroko. Like the Kuroko-by-blood Kuroko Tetsuya, was the redheaded duo's non-biological, adoptive younger brother.

Additionally, the bane of their existence slash 'inappropriate incestuous brotherly crush'.

Tetsuya - or Kuroko because Oreshi still felt super formal for some reason around his younger brother - was the image of the perfect 'otouto'.

With his fluffy, teal-colored hair; face still containing some baby fat, and pale-blue eyes that stared into your soul...including his adorable love for vanilla milkshakes, undeniably inspiring passion for basketball, and penchant for giving barely pubescent, horny male teenagers a reason to get an awkward boner...

(Though whenever that happened Oreshi had already informed Bokushi to 'get ready the throwing knives because scissors are not enough for this')

Not to mention those pale cheeks that Bokushi tended to pinch on instinct, and the ridiculous bedhead that Oreshi just couldn't help but comb through every morning...and oh god, whenever the teal-haired blunette just decided to grace them with his occasional smiles during 'bonding time'...

Yeah. They were so whipped for their younger brother it wasn't even funny.


To the Kuroko twins, Kuroko Tetsuya was their godsend.

If Oreshi and Bokushi were the emperors, Tetsuya wouldn't even be the empress. No, he'd be the god in the sky with all the power in the world to destroy them. And hell, they probably wouldn't even put up much of a fight if that was the case!

Yes. They loved Tetsuya with all their heart, body and soul, and nobody could (dare) tell them otherwise.


Which resulted in them having an unhealthy obsession with fending off said younger brother's overly affectionate 'suitors'.

Yeah...this story is gonna turn out hella weird...

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