Kuroko Kiss Challenge feat. Daisuki

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The first rule of the Kuroko Kiss Challenge is that there are no rules.


Just kidding.


There were three rules. Just three that made it loud and clear to the four unlucky regulars participating a clear idea on how much shit they were getting into.

Rule #1: Either kiss Kuroko or get kissed by him by the end of Friday afternoon practice. The 'pics or it didn't happen rule' applicable here. Fail to fulfil this requirement will result in a horrible, terrible death in the not too distant future.

Rule #2: Kisses on the cheek, forehead, temple, head, ears and hands are fine. However, prepare yourself if you kiss Kuroko anywhere else because that's a one-way ticket to the demon duo's BDSM dungeon (if they had one).



Okay. Back to the story. Let's all enjoy the show, everyone!

Aomine Daiki

"Mou, Dai-chan! Wake up! Tetsu-kun's already here!"

The ace of the Teikou basketball team gave a sleepy groan before turning over in his bed, promptly flipping the bird at his childhood friend.

"God! You're such a dick, Dai-chan! You'll never get Tetsu-kun with an attitude like that!"

A tick mark appeared over his head.

"Go away Satsuki."

The pretty pinkette gave a miffed 'Hmph!' and stomped away, slamming the door behind her.

Aomine, finally relieved that the girl was gone, flipped back onto his back and stared lazily into the ceiling. He'd been contemplating his 'game plans to get Tetsu to kiss me' since the end of yesterday's practice and already had a bad feeling that if he actually did try out any of them in real life, he'd be in a world full of pain. And not because of the Kuroko emperor duo either.

His first game plan was to corner his best friend after class, preferably by a wall, and talk in that really deep voice of his that he knew was super sexy. He'd be like, 'hey Tetsu, you're really tempting me today, you have to kiss me as punishment~' and the teal-haired bluenette would just melt into his arms like a puddle and maybe even make out with him right there and then.

He'd congratulated himself for an hour for his ingenuity until he realized that his best friend would most likely Ignite Pass to the stomach and just leave him there to find his brothers, honestly.

His second game plan was to 'tactfully bribe' the phantom player with vanilla milkshakes...until he realized that it sounded a lot like he was asking for sexual favours from his own best friend and just abandoned the dumb idea altogether. Just because he was a pervert doesn't mean he was suicidal pervert.

As for his third game plan...

Well, he never actually got through his third game plan. He knocked out halfway after 'using too many brain cells' and then woke up feeling pissed at himself.

...And now, because of that, he felt like crying at the pinch he was currently in.

"Maa...what the fuck am I supposed to do?"

"Do what, Aomine-kun?"

The tanned player went completely rigid, before slowly looking over to the side.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2016 ⏰

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