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I totally forgot about school the next morning.

Jimin and I decided to stay home and just hang out.

What will Taehyung do without someone to pick on?

I felt Jimin turn a little on top of me.

I reached for my phone which was on the other side of the bed.

Jimin was latched onto me and I couldn't get my phone without disturbing him.

I still can't believe last night.

I've known Jimin for years over the Internet and he moved to the same school as me.

Something inside of me felt very strongly for Jimin in ways I never knew I would ever feel towards my only friend.

Jimin moved again and fell off, still hanging onto me.

I reached for my phone again and just reached it with my finger tips, causing it to slide further.


I made a lunge for it and finally grabbed it.

I tried to turn it on and groaned in frustration when it showed it was dead.

When would Jimin wake up? I have no idea what time it is.

I gave up and decided to just lay there.

I brought a hand to Jimin's bed head and played with his strands of soft hair.

I looked down to his sleeping face.

He was so cute when he slept.

I can't believe I had to wait this long to see his beautiful face.

He always said he was self conscious.

I don't know why he would be.

It was weird for me to feel affection for someone.

I always knew I was gay but I was told it was wrong.

When I thought it was wrong, I pushed people away so I never fell for anyone I knew I couldn't have.

I've just been so isolated outside of the dating world I guess.

I can't help but imagine Jimin and I as an official couple.

That would be so amazing.

For some odd reason, I thought of Taehyung.

Something about all of these events makes me feel like there could have been something between us. It wouldn't have ever worked out anyways.

I shook him out of my mind and thought about Jimin again.

His porcelain skin was soft to the touch and I wanted to be like him.

My face was not as blessed as his was.

His face was blessed by the lord himself, I swear.

I think Jesus was talking with God and he suggested that this boy named Jimin should be the most beautiful boy anyone will ever see.

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