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Uruha stood there, stunned. He hadn't seen this coming.

"Why?" he whispered.

"I know you've wanted it for a while," Akiko said, a hint of sadness in her voice. "There were times at the beach when I would have some injuries, and I saw your expression're struggling to control it now too, aren't you?" She asked gently, holding his hand with both of her own.

"I...I did...but I never wanted to trouble you..."

He looked away. He never wanted it to be like this. Was his desire for her blood so evident on his face? He'd struggled to stay calm every time he saw a hint of her blood, but had he done a bad job of it?

"I know what you're thinking," Akiko said, leading him to the couch and making him sit next to her. "You've tried really hard to hide it. I didn't notice the first couple of times, but I got suspicious after a while. Today's incident confirmed what i was thinking."

"I'm sorry," Uruha said, avoiding her eyes.

"Don't be." She kissed him on the cheek. "It's something that's an innate part of you, like breathing, or eating."

He finally looked at her, and noticed she was trembling. "You're scared," he said.

"I guess." Akiko laughed nervously. "So much for my amazing speech just now. I'm a wreck...I'm scared that it will hurt...that you'll lose control..."

"I don't want you to force yourself to do this, Akiko."

"I'm not! I've decided that I'm okay with you drinking my blood now. I'm just a little nervous..."

Uruha looked into Akiko's beautiful eyes. He saw no hint of reluctance in them, just slight nervousness.

He sighed. "I promise you I'll make it as painless as possible. I don't want to hurt you."

"Okay." Akiko's voice was barely a whisper.



"Thank you."

Uruha smiled. He was truly grateful to have met Akiko. When she smiled back at him, he swore time had stopped.

He gently pushed her so that she was lying down on the couch, and gently kissed her forehead. He laced one hand into hers, while the other moved her hair off her neck and shoulders.

Sensing the vein he needed, Uruha quickly sank his fangs into Akiko's skin, where her neck and left shoulder met.

He heard her whimper, but pulled them out just as fast. He knew that biting her slowly would only cause her more pain. Better to finish it quickly.

The first drop of Akiko's blood on his tongue nearly drove him insane. He'd craved it for so long; now it was finally his. And it tasted better than he could ever imagine.

As Akiko's blood flowed into his mouth, he felt her grip the back of his jacket with her free hand. Uruha remembered that he had to stay in control. Her blood tasted heavenly, but he didn't want to push his limits.

Vampire saliva also had sedative properties, so Uruha made sure that enough of his saliva entered Akiko's bloodstream to keep her calm and make her feel better. It worked partly: she relaxed in his arms, although her grip was still firm, and she continued to whimper softly as her blood was taken from her.

Finally...Uruha was done.

He pulled away from Akiko, blood staining his lips and chin. Wiping his face, he looked at his girlfriend to see her face drained of colour, and her panting.

She must be exhausted. Did I go too far?

As if on cue, Akiko opened her eyes. "Hey..." she said tiredly. "You're done?"

"Y-yeah. Hold on, I'll get you something to help."

Uruha brought a wet cloth and a glass of water. Helping Akiko sit up, he gave her the water to drink, while he wiped the blood from her wounds, and the beads of sweat from her forehead. He also noticed tear tracks on her cheeks.

"Were you crying?" He asked anxiously.

"Only when you used your fangs,"Akiko explained. "It hurt for a little while, but the pain faded after that."

He hugged her for some time, until she yawned. "Uruha?"


"I'm sleepy..."

"Alright, then. I'll get going."

"No...can you stay? Please?"

He looked into her eyes again, and fell for their innocent charm all over again. "Okay."

"Don't go."

"I won't. I'll stay here as long as you need me to."

He kissed her on the lips, and then carried her to her bedroom. Tucking her into bed first, he quietly slipped under the sheets as well.

Akiko reached out for him, like a small child. "I'm here, Akiko," Uruha reassured her, holding her in his arms.

Before Akiko drifted into the realm of sleep, she heard Uruha say something so beautiful, her heart lifted up.

"I love you."

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