The Tribute Parade

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Annie's POV:

Izzie comes and gets us after awhile. She says we need to get ready for the Tribute Parade. I hold Finn's hand whole way back. She leads us to the elevator to our area to get ready. We pass all different kinds of people.

Once we get upstairs in the District 4 suite, Izzie says, "I had some new clothes made for you two. It's nothing extravagant. It's like your Reaping outfits. Different color. I had an Avox put them on your beds for you. Go and change quickly. I'll send part of the prep team up to do hair and makeup for both of you."

I exchange a glance with Finnick before we walk upstairs to our rooms. His expression is blank.

"Annie. It's the same prep team. I don't want any of them to lay a finger on my face or body with makeup. I can get myself ready. I can do my hair," Finn whispers. He never liked the prep team well. We know what they are actually doing.

"Finn. It'll be okay. Tell them what you want. You're strong," I hug him and go into my room quietly.

As Izzie said, an outfit is laying on my bed. It's a short, one shoulder dress with cuts in the side. The shoes are black, high heeled gladiators that go up to the knee. The jewelry is red and black. A black choker, red bracelet and red earrings. The makeup is sitting on my makeup table, along with an image of how my hair should look and red nail polish. The look is a wavy look with a bow made out of the top half of the hair. It's cute but simple.

I get dressed in the dress, shoes, and jewelry quickly and sit down at the makeup table. I do a simple smoky eye look and put on the red lipstick. I carefully attach the false eyelashes and put on mascara and black eyeliner. Then I recreate the hairstyle in the picture. I quickly paint my nails so they look better.

"Annie! You were supposed to wait!" Izzie exclaims, walking into the room with the three hair, makeup, and nails prep team members.

"I just did what they were going to do! I've learned to do this kind of thing, Izzie! Now I can head down to the parade much faster!" I shout back. I hear a laugh in the hall, Finnick.

Finnick's POV:

Annie just shot down Izzie with another bold remark. God, that's why she's all mine. She's so spunky in such a beautiful way.

Annie hurries out of the room and starts laughing with me. I link arms with her and walking to the elevator. I push the button and the doors open. I offer Annie to go in first. She walks inside, I follow, and push the ground floor button.

"Finnick. Your tie is crooked. Here let me fix it," Annie leans forward and fixes my red bow tie. I have a red handkerchief in my pocket.

"Annie you look so amazing. Twirl for me," I help her twirl so she can show me the 360 degree view of her outfit. It's absolutely beautiful.

Once downstairs, we walk to the chariots where we meet Caesar Flickerman. He introduces us, "Finnick Odair! Annie Cresta! Our lovers of District 4! Annie, dear! You are looking fierce! This outfit is amazing! Where did you get it?"

Annie flashes her TV smile, "Izzie had the District 4 prep team make new outfits for Finnick and I for this occasion. I believe they should become professional fashion designers." She wraps her arm around me.

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