Chapter One

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"Ey! Akeem! Ovah ya!" "De man wha wrong wid yuh now?" "Just come ya I geh a good one heh heh" "hmmm aight man leh we give she a chance."

I looked up into the dark mysterious eyes of my new soon to be masters. Who knew dominants could share?

My name is Elizabeth Mathews. I have blonde hair and grey eyes. I'm not exactly tan, I'm pretty pale actually. The men who took me, I just met them.. I'm actually very grateful. I was on the streets, a runaway. I'm not a young little girl if that's what you're thinking. I'm 19 years old, and I was kidnapped at age 5. I finally got a chance to escape just recently and I guess I didn't exactly think it all the way through. I have no idea who my parents are and I can't exactly go to the police now that I'm no longer a minor, it's not like they can take me home.

Now I know what you're thinking, 'why on earth would a girl who just got away from a man who stole her away, go with two strange men without even thinking about the bad things that could happen??' Well I guess it's cuz I've been on the streets for a few days now and I'm hungry and dying for a bath.. And maybe a glass of clean water.. Ya I'm desperate, But one thing I did learn from being kept and hidden away from the world, is how to tell whether a person looks good or bad, not the physical appearance kind, the kind that you can trust or not. These guys, I think I can trust them.. Hopefully.

"Uhm.. Excuse me," I kinda wanted to know where we were going.. Even if I most likely didn't even know where it was. "Hm? You say somthin doll face?" The man driving asked. He looked like the older one of the two, still pretty young though, maybe a few years older than me. "Uhm.. May I ask where we are going?" I asked quietly. "None yuh damn business" the man in the passenger side said. Hm.. Pretty rude, maybe this wasn't such a great idea. "Kaleem man! Shut the f*ck up! Sorry about my brother he's.. Well you'll get to know him. We're taking you to our house." "Oh ok," I stayed mostly quiet after that.

The rest of the ride was filled with the man named Kaleem messing with the radio and the older one, whose name is Akeem, yelling at him. It was interesting and I occasionally smiled at the two of them being so funny.

We pulled up to a nice house. It wasn't big and fancy from the outside, but it was still nice. Home.. Is that what I could call this place? Maybe, if they'd let me. "Get yuh rass inside" Kaleem demanded me, slapping me on the ass hard, causing a small squeal to come out of me. "Deh man why don't YOU get your modascunt inside?! F*ck wrong wit you man? Don't mind he, uh.." "Oh my name is Elizabeth Mathews." "What a pretty name for a pretty gyul. My name is Akeem Knight and that asshole ovah deh is Kaleem, he is my brother, but you probably picked up on our names by now from all the cussing, oh and sorry for all deh bad words." I smiled at him and followed him into the house.

Kaleem was already inside, we walked inside and went in the right to what seemed to be the kitchen/dining area only to find Kaleem raiding the fridge. Akeem motioned for me to sit on one of the seats in font of the island in the kitchen. "Alright let's get down to business. Kaleem get yuh friggin head out the damn fridge!" "Deh man I hungry!" "Well I'm sure Lizzy here will be more than happy to make us some dinner after we discuss everything. so sit your rass down!!" Kaleem mumbled something that sounded like he will do what he wants, but he still came over and sat next to me, making me the middle person sandwiched in between the two men.

"Earlier, when we found you,-" "when I find you!!" Kaleem interrupted, "we tell you 'bout givin you a place to stay, if you'd do us a small favor," Akeem continued, ignoring his brother, "I'm assumin you've been wondering about that favor. Well, Kaleem and I are dominants. Do you know what that means?" I shook my head no. "Well it means we like total control of the women we are with." As soon as those words left his mouth my eyes grew wide with fear and I felt my body shaking. Akeem could tell something was wrong with me and immediately took my hand in his. "Woah what's wrong doll face? It's not bad I promise!" But I was already regretting going with these men. I left one abusive man just to get myself in a house with two abusive men! Jeez I knew I wasn't too smart, but I didn't realize just how dumb I was until now! "What's wrong doll face?" "I-I think I sh-should leave.." I got up from the seat. "Deh man you ain't goin no where! So sit yuh rass down!" Kaleem grabbed my shoulders and pushed me back on the seat. "Okay why don't you just get to know us first? How does that sound? You don't have to do our favor until you can trust us, and if you feel like you can't then you can leave. Deal?" I thought about it. If these were truly bad guys, they wouldn't give me a choice. "Uhm.. Ok." "Good, now Kaleem and I can't cook, and we was kinda hoping you would make us dinner, if you knew how to cook." In my 14 years of being a servant, I had to know how to cook for my kidnapper. I nodded my head and got up to walk around the kitchen to see what they had.

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