Chapter Three

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"Uh..oh my..." I stuttered on my words as Kaleem bit my neck and Akeem unbuttoned my shirt. I didn't know what to think. What are these men doing to me? "Tell me wah I do Lizzy," Kaleem whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. "I-I'm not ready for this.." I said just barely above a whisper. Akeem just pulled off my shirt and bit my neck. I moaned as I was pushed up against Kaleem while Akeem pressed against me. I felt something hard above my ass and on my belly. I was getting dizzy again, the trance that Akeem put me in before, he was putting me in once again. Kaleem massaged my breasts and softly pinched my nipples. Akeem snatched me away from Kaleem and threw me on his bed. He crawled over me and his face was getting closer to mine.

"My first kiss.." I thought out loud and closed my eyes. I felt him stop and back up. I opened my eyes. Akeem got up off me and mumbled something to Kaleem, who was still by the wall where I was pressed against him, and left, slamming the door behind of him. Confused, I sat up and looked at my lap. What happened? Had I done setting wrong? Was it what I had said? Kaleem walked over and sat next to me on the bed. "Come ya," he sed softly an picked me up bridal style.

He carried me out of Akeem's room and into his room, the door closed behind us. I felt a tear roll down my cheek as he set me down on his bed. was I not good enough for him? Did I even want him to be my first kiss? So many questions were racing through my head and so many emotions.

"Liz.. Elizabeth.. Stop yuh cryin.." Kaleem's voiced calmed me down. I looked up at him. He was sitting next to me on the bed. He reached for the covers and put me underneath them then got in close and put his arm around me. I rested my head on his chest. It felt so natural, so comfortable like it was always supposed to be this way. "Now.. tell me wah happen.." he asked quietly but with a stern voice. "I don't know.." I replied sniffling. "Nuh.. I mean yuh story. Where you come from an suh," he pulled me closer and turned to face me better.

Was I ready to talk about this? would he even believe me? What would he do after I tell him? I looked him in the eyes and sighed, "It's kinda long and I don't know if you'll believe me or what you'll do after I tell you.." He just watched me with the same expression. I looked away and he gave my shoulder a small squeeze, reassuring in some way that I could trust him.

I took a deep breath. "Well when I was 5 years old, I was playing outside at the park. My parents went to get ice cream, leaving me unattended for five minutes. I guess that's all it really takes, five minutes.. I was kidnapped by some man who was sitting in the park. He blindfolded me and covered my mouth so I couldn't scream. I bit his hand and he hit me so hard I passed out. When I woke up I was in a cold dark room.. It had a mattress on the floor and a bucket. No windows. No clothes. The only door was a metal door that had no handle on the inside. I cried and screamed until finally the man came for me and threw a maid outfit at me. He told me to put it on and he'd be back for me in ten minutes to get me. Then after the time passed I was brought up to the main floor and I cooked, cleaned, and did anything he needed.. That has been my life for the past 14 years.. Until just two weeks ago.. He was asleep and forgot to lock the door. I grabbed his pants and a jacket that he had laying on the floor and I ran. Then you found me on the floor in an alley hiding.. And here I am now."

Kaleem moved his hand from around me and watched me with wide eyes. "Wah.." he said and looked away scratching his head. I looked down, he probably doesn't want me here anymore.. Then all of a sudden he hugged me.. "Elizabeth," he said pronouncing each syllable in my name, "don't worry gyul.. we gon tek care ah you.." I hugged him back and he laid us down. He played with my hair as we laid there looking at each other. He placed his finger under my chin and got closer. I held my breath. This is it, my first kiss. I'm ready for it now.

I closed my eyes and I felt his soft, warm lips press on mine. His tongue moved across my bottom lip. Then he took his hand and pulled my jaw down and his tongue danced in my mouth. I moaned softly. It was so nice. Then he pulled back and pecked my lips once more before pulling me into a long embrace. "I think I like it here Kaleem.. Please let me stay.." I whispered feeling sleep start to take over me. "Okay Lizzy baby," he whispered back and I fell asleep.

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