« part six • broken glass »

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It had been two weeks since she came to Med for her stitches and was now in the waiting room once again this time waiting for them to be taken out. She had been there almost two hours and by now she was tempted to come back another day. Just as she was getting ready to leave Dr Rhodes walked past noticing the familiar brunette.

"Amy right?" He smiled as she put her jacket on.

"Yeah. Came to get my stitches out but looks like it's pretty busy." She sighed looking at her watch,"Think I'll come back later in the week, not really fancying another hour long wait."

Rhodes checked the time before stopping her as she was about to leave,"I was just about to sign out but I can take your stitches out if you want?"

Amy looked at him unsure,"You sure, I can just come back."

"It won't take long."

He took her to once of the cubicles and closed the door before putting the mandatory blue gloves on, "How's the cheek been then?"

"Good. Will was in awe of your stitching." She laughed.

Connor smiled a pulled a stool opposite Amy, "Glad to hear it."

He couldn't help but notice that despite the stitches across her cheek, she still looked beautiful. Her blue eyes perfectly contrasting with her auburn hair.

"You know, Will makes you sound like such a jerk." Amy looked at him,"I don't really see it."

Connor shrugged,"Me and your brother didn't really start off on the right foot."

Amy nodded understanding,"Yeah he can be like that."

In only a matter of minutes Amy's stitches were out and the cut across her cheek was almost invisible. Looking in the mirror Amy was impressed.

"Wow, can't even see it." She smiled,"Thanks I owe you."

Rhodes took his gloves off and put them in the bin,"Don't mention it."

The pair left the hospital together after Rhodes had checked out and headed for their separate cars. As Amy approached her's she could already tell something was wrong; she could feel it. The front screen and all the windows were smashed in and a note was stuck to the bonnet: I know where you are.

Rhodes had seen her car just before getting in his own and went over to the detective. As he came over he could see the note in her hand just before she slid it in her back pocket.

"You need a ride?" He offered showing her his keys.

Amy took one last look at her car before taking his offer, following him to his car. Once in the car Amy silently fastened her seatbelt and sat back in the passenger seat whilst Rhodes drove out of the hospital car park.

"Can you not tell my brother about this?" Amy asked him.

"Won't he asked what happened to the car?" Connor said glancing at her.

Amy sighed,"I'll make something up just don't tell him about it."

She rested her head against the cold window and closed her eyes as Connor drove her to Molly's.

"Are you going to report it?" Rhodes asked.

Amy shook her head,"It must of been an accident."

Rhodes stopped the car outside Molly's and turned to face Amy,"Look if you need help-"

"I'm fine. Thanks for the ride." She smiled getting out of the car and walking into Molly's with a false smile plastered on her face.

Rhodes sighed and got out the car following her in and watched her join her brothers. He knew she was in trouble. But he could only help her if she would let him. He could only hope he wouldn't be seeing her in the hospital any time soon.

After a few hours of socialising Jay and Will decided to head home leaving Amy on her own. Molly's was practically empty so Amy headed outside to get a cab.

Rhodes had just finished his last drink and was also leaving to try and get some sleep before his shift in the morning.

Once in his car he spotted Amy walking along the sidewalk trying to jail a cab. He drove along road and slowed down beside her.

"You need a ride?" He asked winding his window down.

Amy smiled,"You drove me here I can get back."

"It's late. I don't know about you but I would feel a lot better knowing you weren't wandering the streets of Chicago."

Amy laughed,"Okay okay."

She walked round and got in the passenger side,"You really don't have to do this."

Rhodes just shrugged and set off down the road. Following her directions to her apartment.

"Thank you." She smiled at him,"For everything."

Rhodes took his eyes off the road to glance across at her,"I'm only doing what anyone would do."

Amy shook her head,"You've done so much more."

Connor parked the car outside her apartment and turned the engine off. Amy looked out the window before turning to Rhodes.

The two were only centimetres away from each other when Amy lent in and placed her lips on his own. He put her hand on her waist just before she pulled away.

"My brother would kill me." She whispered laughing.

"Live a little recklessly."

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