Death Class Chapter 5

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I like Pokemon so yeah... Adding some new characters! Please comment your thoughts!

Brittany's POV
My mouth gaped open at the sight of Drew; he was perfect like a girls dream.

I immediately pat the desk next to me so he would sit there, Taylor glared at me.

So what if your my BFF get up.

I glared at her to send my message she stared at me like she didn't know what was going on.

"What?" she whispered

"Get up I need him to sit by me!" I exclaimed

But it was to late he sat down next to that delinquent, Minerva.

Through out the whole class he talked to her and they probably got to know each other very well.

But he would never like her right?

Yeah he wouldn't because I look better I get better grades and I'm popular.

What more could a guy want?

Minerva's POV
I didn't pay attention much in class I was busy talking to Drew. I saw Brittany looking at Drew most of my the class.

She makes me sick she wants what she can't have.

I walked to my locker with Drew, It's a miracle that our lockers are right next to each other.

     _--=+*. TIME SKIP. *+=--_

I head down to the cafeteria and sit in my normal place in the corner of a table in the back.

I see Drew enter the cafeteria and Britney, Taylor and Regina swam him like flies and try to guide him to there table.

Desperate little...Am I jealous no he doesn't even like me.

Drew's POV
Brittany and Taylor grab my hands while Regina leads me to her table.

What the heck?

I jerk my hands away from them, "Get off me." I storm off.

I don't need this I came to this school to get away from girls like this. Not to meet new ones.

"Wait Drew No!" The all screech in unison.

"Leave me alone." I say as I notice Minerva sitting in the corner again with a music book.

I walk over to her "Hey"


"What are you reading?"

She doesn't look up from her book "I'm reading the note on the treble clef"

"Cool you really like violin don't you"


"I have a spare violin you can borrow"

She immediately looks up from her book "Really? That would be great!"

"I walk home too so you can come over to my house"

Her grin is so wide I feel like it might come off her face. "Thank you so much!"

And the Bell rings.

"See ya Minerva!"
She hurried to her 6th period class.

Taylor's POV
I hold hands with Zelus as I walk into my 6th Period class; English is my favorite, easy to do and I can sit on the pillows in the beginning of class kissing Zelus under the desk.

I love high school because dating is not uncommon.

"Babe you alright?" Zelus asked with genuine concern on his face.

"Oh I'm fine just excited for summer"

I'm glad he is my boyfriend he has his issues though.

He lets go of my hand we sit away from each other we have to go incognito with our relationship or Regina will sabotage it. I try to tell Zelus but he doesn't listen.

This is probably the longest chapter I've ever done! #Wattpad Goals.

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