My Life On The Pages Kaylas POV

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              "Why hello, Young lady!"

              "Hi Mrs.McDonald. I'm here to fill out a form for the art contest. where would that be?" 

               "Here you go." Mrs.M pulled out a golden yellow piece of paper, and placed it on the desk in front of me. I filled out the form and read the information:

 Rules: Your art must be appropriate for school, and it must have your name and age on the back, and your artist signature on the front. No guns or weapons allowed in your work.  Form must be handed in by July 4th. 

  Thank you for entering the Wagner Art competition. We wish you luck.

          Mrs. A.Becca

             "Here you go!" I turned the paper to face her and ran off to 4th period English, in room 133. I met up with Ty outside the office. He was finishing work for the school newspaper. 

              "So... whats the latest news? Or, gossip, considering more girls are on the school newspaper team than guys."

               "Oh, just some more fashion crap on page 4. front cover is kind of interesting. "Art competition heats up rivalry." This girl Erin punched another girl. Not to interesting, but, best news yet. Anyway, why are you here?"

                "Filled out an art competition form." I showed him my drawing, and he thought it was excellent. We ended up walking to class together. Late, but whatever. 


                    I heard a rip from across the class. Ty walked pass me to to garbage can, and sneakily put a slip of paper on my desk.

         'So, Kayla, i was wondering. If  u wanted 2 come 2 a party im throwing 2nite. sound interesting?' I flipped over the paper and replied.

          ' omg, yes. That sounds awesome. Cya 2nite!'   

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2013 ⏰

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My Life On The Pages Kaylas POVWhere stories live. Discover now