Chapter Two

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Knock. Knock. 

"Micah, are you awake?" My mom echoed through the door. I don't understand why she asks me questions like this, when I haven't spoken for two months. I shucked off my covers, and started shuffling to the door, only to pause mid step. 

Kiran. You need to disappear. I thought to him.

"I know, I know, I'm already gone." I felt a whisper right by my ear, and when I turned around there was no one there. He must be able to turn invisible. I walked over to my desk and grabbed my glasses, and then continued to the door. I opened it and looked at her expectantly.

"I saw your light on. Want some hot chocolate?" She asked me. I nodded and started to follow her down the hall. We lived in a small apartment in the middle of Seattle. It had a bedroom for my mom and one for my twin brother, Camael, but we just call him Cam, and one for me. It had a small living room and an even smaller kitchen. I could already smell the hot chocolate brewing, and a fresh loaf of cinnamon and sugar bread. How did they get my recipe is what I'd like to know..

"Hey sis." Cam said, with a cheeky grin while bumping my hip. "Care for some bread and hot chocolate? I know how much you love cinnamon and sugar bread dipped in some hot chocolate." He said, waving a piece in front of me, teasing. I reached for it and he pulled it back, so I just went over and grabbed the loaf. 

"Hey!" he said, indignantly trying to swipe the loaf back, and I grinned. Not on your life buddy. I thought to myself. Sometimes I wish that I could talk to my brother, only, then I remember that I'm not supposed to be happy any more. I'm supposed to suffer in silence. It's the only thing that I can do. I can't be happy. Not if he can't be here with me. Then there's no reason to be happy. Not if I can't smell his old spice as he wraps me in a big bear hug. Not if he can't be here after we go to Metallica concerts. Not if he can't be in the kitchen cooking spaghetti with me. That's why I can't speak any more. Because I can't sing at the top of my lungs with him, I can't debate about how smart dogs are, I can't talk to him about cooking shows, or boys. I won't have a voice if I can't have my dad. 


I hate being able to read her thoughts sometimes. I mean, being her guardian angel and all, it really does come in handy. But at the same time, all of those depressing moments that I have to witness, all of the boys I've seen her kiss.. It's a little much. He warned me this would happen. He warned me that I would fall in love with a human someday. I just never realized that it would be her. I remembered when he told me too..

"Kiran, you know, you're a very special angel." He was a man with sandals and white poofy hair, that loved to be in a robe. He reminded me of a doddering old librarian. 

"I am?" I had asked him in wonder. I had just been created. Pulled from my mortal life, to serve as a guardian angel.

"Yes Kiran. You are a very special type of angel. You are the angel of light. My, as they say, right hand man. You are the only angel created of a mortal soul. And one day, you will complete your destiny. You have a very important destiny. And, you will be a mortal who has wings of light. Your other half, well, if she too falls in love with you, you two will connect in an entirely new way. She will inherit your wings of light. But, only after you have saved her from darkness." He spoke these words to me, and I couldn't quite figure out what he meant.

"If she falls in love with me too? You're telling me.. You're saying that one day I will fall in love with a mortal?" He just nodded at me with a knowing smile.  "But, but chief, that is forbidden."

"Ah, my dear boy. It is forbidden for an angel to love a mortal. But, an angel created of a mortal soul, now if he is to find his life mate, and make the bond of two mortals forming as one, well, that is not forbidden." He gave me a warm smile. I couldn't help it, I smiled back. One day, I would find love. One day, I would be mortal again. Until then, I got to spend my life, being a guardian angel to many mortals, and through them, I would meet my life mate. 


Kiran? The sound of her thoughts shook me out of my memory. We were in here bedroom now. 

"Yes, Micah?" I said to her.

How come you came to me now? Why not..why not two months ago? Even her thoughts were shaky. I couldn't believe how much pain she felt, knowing she had a guardian and that I never came to save her sooner. If only she knew that I was here the whole time. Holding her as she cried at night, lulling her to sleep with the calm waves that only she could feel from me. 

"Micah, I am not the one who makes the rules. I only follow them. I came to you now, because I was finally allowed. But, do not be fooled, I have been here the whole time." I told her, knowing that I couldn't give too much away yet. The captain had told me that I cannot tell her everything. I am permitted to tell her why I am here, because I am her guardian angel. I am not supposed to tell her that I love her yet, but I am supposed to save her. It is what guardians do. It is what I was created to do. I was created for her. and I couldn't wait until she knew this. 

Can I ask you something? She thought to me, even her thoughts sounding hesitant. 

"Always." I told her, hoping she didn't her the emotion that spilled over into my voice. 

Can you hear every single thought of mine? Every single emotion? Every single image I picture, or have pictured in my mind? That was such a tough question. I didn't realize she had thought of that, well of course she has, it isn't like she's used to the thought of someone being able to invade her thoughts. 

"Well, at first, yes. Not any more though. Now that you are aware that I am here, you're subconsciously sifting through what I can and cannot see. Which, I'm grateful for. I wouldn't want you to feel like I am invading your personal thoughts." I told her. Hoping she would drop it at that.

Does it work both ways? If I can project thoughts to you, can you do that to me? She thought this to me, and I cursed myself. Of course she would think of that. Curious girl. I grinned to myself. 

What do you think? I though to her. I could feel her grin, which is a weird feeling, to feel her smile on the inside, instead of seing it. But it was an amazing sensation as well. I let her feel mine. I heard her gasp. 

What was that?! She demanded of me. I chuckled. 

That, my dear, was a feeling. You weere feeling my smile. My happiness. Did it frighten you? I asked her, suddenly concerned. I didn't want to overwhelm her. I should slow down. I shouldn't move to fast, she is only mortal, I must be careful with her. 

No, it didn't frighten me. She thought, and I could feel the warm glow of her mind, licking at mine. It wanted access to my mind again, and I couldn't let it. It would wear her out too quickly. We have to take the mind lessons slow. She started to yawn, and I knew that we had already done our limit for today. 

Are you tired? I asked her, knowing that she was. 

Yes. She thought to me, and I started to rise, getting up from sitting on her bed. No, don't go. Please. Stay with me. She thought this to me, and I couldn't believe that she had fully let her mental wall down. I could feel her every emotion. She was afraid, she didn't want to be alone. She needed me. I could feel it, cold hard raw, need. It was so potent, I almost couldn't belive. There was something else there too. There was longing..for what? I hoped to find out. Kiran? She thought, started to scoot over. Stay with me tonight? I couldn't say no. I could never say no to her. So I took off my shoes and my trench coat, and climbed into bed wither her, and I held her as she fell asleep. This time, she actually knew about it. And it felt so good. 


A/N: Hey everyone! I really hope that you liked this chapter! So, what do you guys think of Kiran? Would you like me to keep writing in his and Micah's view? Well, COMMENT, VOTE, AND FOLLOW! Bye bye everyone. 

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