Is this really happening?

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(1 week later)/My house

9:00 pm night time

I was in my room body rolling in the mirror..funny ikr. My phone started ringing like crazy and it was Brandon.

*Phone call convo*


Brandon-"Hey sweetheart, Wyd right now?"

Me-Nun, Wby?"

Brandon-The same here, I was wondering if you would like to go out with me tonight?"

Me-"Like where?"

Brandon-"To the club"


Brandon-"ok I guess ill pick you up around 11:35".

Me-"ok see you then, bye"


*Phone convo ends*

I looked through my closet and wondered what I was going to wear. I finally decided it was so cute. I was gonna wear....faux leather and mesh peplum dress. I had on hot pink heels that matches my lipstick. Also my hair was curled.

(At the club)

As we arrived Brandon immediately introduced me to his friend. His name was Jordan. "Jordan I'd like you to meet my girl... I mean friend Sabrina", he said stuttering. I looked at him and started to laugh. It was funny seeing him mess up. He rubbed the back of his neck and licked his lips. "It's nice to me you beautiful", Jordan said kissing my hand. "It's nice to meet you too Jordan", I said. "Maybe we should start to go inside", Brandon said holding my hand. I can't believe he called me his girlfriend.

(30 mins ltr)

I was enjoying the music and hype of the people around me. Me and Brandon were sitting by the bar drinking some kind of drink. Idk what it was called. The song "Put aliitle bit of umph in it" by Jagged Edge came on. I guess it was turning into a slow jam session. It was a really old song but people seemed to really love it. Brandon got up and asked, "do you wanna dance". I got excited and said, "Yea". We got in the middle of the floor and started to slow grind on each other. He was behind me holding me by my waist. I couldn't do nothing but grind harder. I could feel him getting on hard mode he must of been big if I could feel it through his pants. He looked at me and bit his bottom lip. "Damn babe, I like it when you put a little bit of umph in it", he said. I giggled.

(After club/2:16 am)

I was stepping out of his car and he got out to."Don't you have a house of your own", I said playfully walking up towards him. "I do, I just wanted to say goodnight", he said coming closer as well. "We'll good--(gco)", I felt his worm soft lips against mines. I kissed back putting my arms around his neck. He put his hands around my waist and went lower. After like maybe 30 seconds we pulled apart and looked at each other."I'm very sorry for doing that", he said looking into my eyes. "It's okay, I liked it but next time just say when your gonna kiss me, Aight", I said. "We'll just know I'm finna kiss you right know again", he grabbed my chin and smashed it into his face. After our other make-out session, he finally let me go and I walked into my house. "Bye beautiful", he yelled before I closed the door behind me. I leaned into the door and thought to my self "what have I got myself into". This boy was a straight up lover boy!!

I hope you liked my second chapter. There will be more chapters for this story so don't go away just yet.Comment and vote!!, I love you guys, peace.

Is it love or dance? (B.Smyth)Where stories live. Discover now