Stark Naked. What.

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It's now after school so I should probably go to detention.

But seeing as I can't be bothered to, and Im such a rebel, note the sarcasm, I make my way home walking out the school gates towards my lonely home seeing as Sebby had to go home at lunch because his little brother got sick.

I was off in space as a loud roar of a motorbike come from my right.

It sounded awfully close.

I turn my head to see no other than Harry Styles on a HUGE motorbike.


"Good afternoon, love." He says, his amazingly attractive accent standing out. I blush and mutter a 'hello' before quickening my pace only to find he is still following me.

"Hop on, I'll give you a lift. It looks like it's about to start raining" he offers.

"I um.... No. Im fine" the words tumble out of my mouth just as lightening lights the grey -almost black- sky.

Pffft. So much for it being summer.

I snap my eyes to the sky. I hate lightening. I guess he could sense it because before I knew it he placed a helmet on my head and the picked me up, putting me on the motorbike.

"babe, you should probably hold on"

"where?...." I trail off.

He grabs my arms and wraps them around his torso, "here. It's a bonus for us both, you get to feel my amazing body and I get to feel you pressed up against me." he smirks as the bike roars to life.

I feel like I'm in Heaven. I haven't been on one of these in months!

I'm thankful for when he speeds up, loving the thrill it give me.

We speed up a hill type thing, though I couldn't tell seeing as my head was buried in his neck, eyes tightly shut. Seeing as he is much taller than me I have to straighten -arch- my back to be able to place my head in the crook of his neck. I think I heard him moan and I smirked. Even in disguise I make the guys moan.

"So, I bet you were scared out of your nerd little mind. Right?" UGH! That arrogant smirk creeps onto his face. "Dear, I own one of the most expensive, amazing bikes in the world." He looks at me as if I'm bullshiting him. Prying my hands off him only for him to pick me up and place me on his shoulder.


"PUT ME DOWN, HARRY!" I yelled, already soaked by the heavy rain.

Before I knew it I was in my ice cold pool.

Wow was I pisssd.

"HARRY! YOU-U LITTLE FUCK! I-I-IM SO-SO-AKED!" I screamed once I managed to hop out off the Antarctic ocean.

Im probably getting hypothermia. But whateves.

I rush inside, leaving the door open knowing Harry would want to come in out of the hurricane that is currently taking place just outside.

I go up stairs, having a long hot shower. I get out, wrapping the short, warm and fluffy towl around me. I open the door only to walk into a wall.....What.

"Stupid wall!" I angrily whisper to myself, rubbing my sore abused nose. I heard a deep, raspy chuckle so I look up, only to find the amazing Greek God standing in front of me in all his glory.

"I've been called fit, tough, hard and many other things....Just not a wall" he says with a smirk on his face. Oh my. My face is probably darker than a tomato.

"Ha-Harry! What a-are you doing in h-h-here?!" I yelled like a mental person, trying to cover myself up seeing as I was wrapped in a too small, revealing towel.

"I was waiting for you."

"Okay. But you can leave now. Or at least go down stairs when I change!" I say, not stuttering on any word.

"Nah. I like it better here. I am just in love with this view!"


"Ugh. Just leave! I need to get changed!" I say, getting highly impatient.

"Give me a kiss"


"Fine. What type of panties do you wear? Is it black or, red lace? Oh! Let's take a look" Harry says as he struts over to my dresser.

I think about it and agree. "FINE!" I yell. I walk over slowly, placing my hands on his shoulders and pushing, he stumbles and falls onto my bed and I climb on top of him placing my legs either side . I put one hand behind his neck and the other on his chest. I press myself against him with new found confidence. I roll my hips hard against him, feeling his existent grow. He lets out a loud moan as I do it again. His eyes flutter closed expecting to meet me his lips. I kiss just under his ear as he groans.

"Guess what I found, babe" I whisper huskily into his ear, talking about his sweetspot. I lightly nibble on it, suck harshly the gently run my tongue over the spot. He rolls his hips up, grabbing my hips with his large hands and pulling me down on him at the same time. I bit my lip, holding in my moans that are aching to get out. I finish the mark on his neck with a light peck and stand up, raising my arms to gesture to the door.

"There you go, LOVE. Get out now" I say in a British accent, though emphasizing the 'love' part.

I burst out laughing. Honestly his facial expression was PRICELESS!

I step back, looking at him. He has a spark in his eyes, not from happiness, no. But a mischievous glint. I back up until my back is pressed against the wall as he takes slow, long strides so he's only a few centimeters away.

I feel his breath on my face, fanning my lips. He moves closer. to me, my eyes flutter close.

"Oh sweetheart." he whispers into my ears before placing gentle but tender kisses on my neck. He sucks harshly on the bit of skin in

the crook of my neck, just above where my neck and shoulder connect. I let out a loud moan as he found my sweet spot. He pushes his body up against mine, sucking harder creating me to moan louder.

One hand is on my waist and the other is on my thigh, though under the towel. I move closer causing my thigh to stick out of the slit in the towel. He kneels down and holds the back of my thigh, gently placing kisses up my thigh.

At the speed of light he's walking out the door, winking at me before looking at me from head to toe.

"See you tomorrow, babe" he smirked at me.

I felt a breeze fall over my body as he opens the door. I look down and scream, trying my best to cover myself though he would've already seen me. He lets out a hearty laugh while he swings my towel over his shoulder and walking out.

Harry fucking Styles just saw me stark naked.

Oh my God.

And I have to face him tomorrow.

Tomorrow is going to be fun....

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