Chapter Three

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     I sat in Starbucks, with the aroma of coffee and cake and revolting hipster cologne. I swear, hipsters would be the death of America. I mean, for real? Isn't being hipster mainstream enough for them? And what about breathing? If that's not extremely mainstream, then I don't know what is.

     My vanilla latte was still warm, and half full. I wasn't so mad anymore, but the guy behind me typing obnoxiously loud and playing some crappy band on his iPod too loud was going to make me loose it. After a few more seconds of this, I finally snapped.

     I jumped out of my seat and slammed the guys laptop down on his fingers. He screamed with pain and pulled out his ear buds.

     "What is wrong with you?!" He screamed, gaining us looks from everyone in the store. His bright blue eyes narrowed at me. I snorted at him.

     "Sorry, I don't like to put up with obnoxious hipsters who still use Myspace and MyLiveJournal. Also, that band sucks," I told him bluntly. He took in a deep breath through his nostrils and glared at me.

     "At least I'm not some pathetic girl sitting alone in a coffee shop with no date," he snapped back. I laughed at him.

     "Last time I checked you're alone too, Mister Hipster," I shot back, making his face flush with color. He huffed, then plopped back down in his seat.

     He studied my face for a moment. I was about to turn and go back to my seat because he was seriously creeping me out whenever he grabbed my arm,

     "I like your attitude. You remind me of a big black woman. Sit," he ordered, pulling me and then pushing me in the seat across from him. I snorted and stood back up.

     "I'm leaving," I said, then stood up again. He jumped right up out of his seat and stopped me, causing his dark red hair to fall out of place. He instantly pulled off the black knit hat he was wearing, shook his head, then placed it back on. I had to admit, no matter how much the guy irritated me, he was pretty cute.

     "Can I at least buy you some coffee?" he asked, looking up at me from under his thick eyelashes. I sighed, crossing my arms over my chest.

     "I guess," I mumbled in defeat. I was used to guys wanting to buy me drinks and talk and stuff. It's not like I wanted all the attention, it just sort of happened.

     A huge, pearly grin spread across his face, and then he walked up to the counter. I sat down as he ordered my coffee, and I sat back down in the seat he had ordered me to stay in. It took a second for the coffee to get ready and I just sat there with the most bored expression I could manage.

     He set the coffee down in front of me, then grinned widely. "Drink," he commanded. I did as I was told, and it was amazing. It was like heaven had an orgasm in my mouth.

     "Wow, this is good," I said, then took another huge gulp. He grinned in success.

     "Yeah, I know. I'm just that good," he smiled at me. Okay, this kid just smiled way too much. But he didn't seem to notice. He just closed his laptop and pulled out his phone. It made a little "ding!" noise, and then he grinned even bigger. "My little sister's coming. You should meet her, she's great."

     I narrowed my eyes at this kid. He was acting like we were boyfriend and girlfriend and that I was meeting his sister so she could approve of me or something. I sighed and continued to sip my drink. After a few sips, I realized something.

     What if he drugged my drink?

     I, knowing how much of a drama queen I was, spit up my drink. It started coming out of my throat and out of my nose and everything. When I coughed the first time, it scared the hell out of that guy. I didn't even know his name yet, but  was sitting here, drinking a drink that he probably drugged, and talking to him like we were on a date.

     I was a terrible person.

     "Are you okay?!" He asked, moving all of his things to the seat beside him. I pushed his hand away when he tried to reach for me and ran to the bathroom. Everyone was looking at me, but I really didn't care.

     By the time I made it to the bathroom, my shirt was covered in coffee, and my nose was burning like crazy. I coughed everything up into the sink, and then took a few deep breaths before I washed my mouth out with the tap water.

     After a few minutes, I finally went back outside. He was waiting for me by the door with a concerned look on his face.  I laughed at him, then walked back to the table.

     "Are you okay? It sounded like you were trying to give birth to a full-grown Velociraptor in there," he commented, taking his seat back.

     "Did you drug my drink?" I asked with all seriousness. He looked at me for a second before he burst out into obnoxiously loud laughter.

     "And why on Earth would I do that?" He asked, his ocean blue eyes sparkling in the light. I smiled sheepishly to myself. I knew that that idea was silly. I wasn't sure why I thought that anyway.

     "I don't know. I don't trust easily, anyway. Sorry," I apologized. He shrugged.

     "It's fine. But anyway, here comes my sister," he said, then pointed to the doorway. In walked a completely gorgeous girl.

      She had dark hair and big brown eyes. She actually surprised me a little bit. She was tiny, skinny, with long black hair and dark eyeliner. She was wearing big black combat boots, but a cute, pink dress. She was like a girly kind of Gothic.

     "Hi. I'm Tayden. You must have already met my brother, Asher," she said, grinning widely. Okay, definitely not what I expected. She was tiny, but loud. I felt like she was a dangerous bomb, just waiting to explode.

    "No, he actually hadn't told me his name yet. I'm Christina," I answered politely, then sat across from her and her brother. They had the same noses, but everything else about them was different.

     Asher was tall, while Tayden was short. Asher was muscular while Tayden seemed dainty and weak. Asher seemed laid-back and relaxed, but Tayden seemed like she just wanted to burst into Skittles at any second. But the way they sat next to each other so casually, you could just tell that they were brother and sister. I could even picture tiny-er thems fighting over who got to sit next to their mom at the dinner table.

      A few minutes went by with Tayden chatting nonstop, just talking about everything.

     "And then, whenever I came face to face with Trey, I whipped out my wa-," she started, but was cut off by Asher.

     "So, who wants to go to the fair?" he asked loudly, pointing to the docks. The sun was starting to set, and the street lamps were coming on.

     You could see everything from the little Starbucks. The Ferris wheel was outlined by the setting sun, and there were all sorts of colorful Christmas lights pinned up all around the docks and over the booths where kids were playing for Silly Puddy, and teenage boys were trying to win giant stuffed animals for their girlfriends or crushes.

     "I do!" I called out, picking up my bag and running out of the store, with Tayden and Asher right behind me.


Ugh, this is SUCH a filler...

Okay, okay. I hoped you liked it.(:


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