chapter three

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I take in a deep meditative breath, hoping that will help. The beeping continues, and my head throbs in response. What a nightmare. The last thing I remember was talking on the phone to Bennett and seeing Cam.


I wonder where he is. I could have sworn he was the one  carrying me. But maybe I was hallucinating, either that, or wishful thinking.

“Bales … honey.”

Huh? Haven’t heard Dad call me honey in a long while. It’s kinda nice. Makes me feel wanted and cared for.

I wrinkle my forehead and concentrate on opening my eyes. And this time they flutter, and I blink several times. Everything’s a big blur. White light dominates, making the faces fuzzy. My eyes are watery and sore, but I force them to stay open and turn my head to the side.

My dad’s tired eyes come into view, he looks grayer. He usually  has that healthy suntanned glow. But not today, or tonight, or whenever this is. I have no idea, how long I’ve been out of it.

I try to ask, but my voice is an incoherent rasp.

“It’s okay, honey, you’re okay. The doctor is coming.”

Oh no. I hate doctors. Doctors tell me bad things.

“Hey there, pretty girl.” It’s Bennett. And even he, for all his perfection, looks worn and wasted, like he's had a big night out.

I blink and give him a small smile.

Then the dreaded white cloak and clipboard appears and I frown. “Hi there, Bailey, I’m Doctor Richards.”

Good for you, I wish I could say. Now go away and let me be. I’m fine, really.

Except I know he won’t, he’ll want to stay and chat. I really hope he doesn’t. But I guess I’ve been prodded and poked and he’ll have stuff to chat about, questions to ask.

Questions I don’t want Dad and Bennett to hear. Please, please, please, don’t say anything, I plead with my eyes.

The good doctor clears his throat. “Um, Bailey you are in Forest’s district hospital. You’ve been here for three days. You passed out and an ambulance brought you here.”

I nod as best I can, and my eyes widen. That’ll do. Enough. That’s all I need to know. Don’t say anything more. Please.

He gives me a long lingering look with his knowing brown eyes, like he can read my mind and see the panic written like a bad song across my face.

“I’m glad you’re awake, all your vitals seem good. “ He gestures to a machine I hadn’t taken in yet, but one that I’m obviously hooked up to. Right, now the beeping makes sense. It’s still annoying, but less so, now I know what it is.

Doctor Richards gives a small nod. “I’ll leave you for a bit, then come back after my rounds.”

I’m not completely off the hook, but I let out a breath, I didn’t realize I was holding, and the good doctor turns and leaves.

Dad grabs my hand and Bennett moves to the end of my bed. I guess they’ve been introduced. I wonder for a moment who did that, and how that went.

Bennett as though reading my thoughts, gives me a wry grin. “Your dad and I met. I filled him in.”

Filled him in, could mean a few things with Bennett, but I trust him, and know that he won’t share any of the gory details from the past two years. He’s heard enough about my dad to know better.

Heart Breaker: Heartbreaker series: 1Where stories live. Discover now