chapter 1

28 1 7

Natalie's POV

I wake up to another boring day where I have to go to school and listen to the teacher blabber on about every single subject.

I only have one thing to look forward to and it's the weekend yes finally it's Friday. That's not the only thing I look forward to everyday there's just one more thing and that's:


But unfortunately I can't say anything about it to anyone because if I tell my friends, that is all they will talk about they are hard core Namiz shippers as they call it.

So there's Rameena the captain of the ship apparently she's my best friend she's also really funny. Then, there's Keyarie the co-captain I guess, she's also another one of my best friends. Finally, there's Sali the co co-captain if that's even a thing.

As I sat there thinking about all of this I realized I was going to be late for school if I don't get up anytime soon. I get myself out of bed and wake up my brother David he's so fucking annoying sometimes but I love him, which is something I will never admit to him.

I grab my phone and text Sali and keyarie to ask then if they wanted to walk together to school. Rameena lives further away from us, so we just meet her at school because we're all in the same class, I know how lucky are we.

*the group chat*
(Involving Rameena, Sali, Keyarie and me)

N: hey guys you want to walk together?

R: I fucking told you losers

S: Rameena shut up the only reason you knew that is because she's so predictable

K: I agree with Sali on this one she asks that every day

R: or I'm just magical have you ever thought of that

N: helllllo no one answered my question yet :(

S: Natalie you ask us that every fucking day and we say the same thing so why bother fucking asking when you could just........not

N: that hurt me but okay I'll meet you two at 8:45

R: wow how RUDE

S: Rameena you don't live close to us but I'll meet you in a but Natalie

K: yea bye :)

R: you are all RUDE ASS BLOOD SUCKING, COCK SUCKING BITCHES so kiss my ass (love you tho)

*end of convo*

After, I said goodbye I looked at the time and it was 8:20 and I need to hurry up, so I got up and put on my uniform, put my hair in a messy bun. I finished my other necessities and by the time I was done it was 8:38.

"David are you ready?" I screamed out "Just wait a minute" he answered
"No hurry up I don't have time for your shit" I responded even more pissed off now "fine I'm here chill out Natalie why you in such a hurry do you want to see your crush"

"Shut up David come one we're going to be late" I said one final time.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2016 ⏰

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