The stuff I wanna know

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What stuff do you wanna know you ask

That's funny you should ask that

Cause I have a lot of stuff I wanna know

Grab a chair, well be here for awhile since I'm about to tell you all the stuff I wanna know

I wanna know how the stars shine so bright

How the day turns into night

How the world spins around and around

How gravity keeps stuff from going up by Keeping it down

I wanna know what could be the end of this world

I wanna know what the earth wants

I wanna know what animals think

I wanna know what experiences we'll face

I wanna know what purpose I have in life

I wanna know why people die

Why he left

Why I cried

I wanna know why we breathe

I wanna know why we sleep

Why we dream

I wanna know where you've been

Where you've gone

I wanna know where the sun is

I wanna know where the stars are

I wanna know when the sun will rise

When then moon with set

When the darkness fades

When the pain goes away

I wanna know who plants the trees

Who waters the plants

Who makes the plans

Who acts the acts

I wanna know who you'll be with tomorrow and the next

That's the stuff I wanna know, the stuff I wanna know is that....... So that's that.....

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